My themes will not be far-fetched. I will tell of homely every-day phenomena and adventures. -- Henry David Thoreau
Thursday, July 31, 2008
My new signature...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Repost from a fellow blogger...
Last night the kids went out to dinner at the China Buffet. At the restaurant there was a chart describing the Chinese zodiac, complete with descriptions of what it meant to be born under each sign.
My nine year old son is explaining it all to me.
“It was weird, Mom. My sign described me perfectly.”
“Really? What did it say?”
“It said people who are born under that sign are athletic, nice, and, um, I can’t really remember all of the words. But basically perfect… like me.”
“What about a crushing lack of self esteem? Was that one of them?”
“I don’t think so. And blonde. I am pretty sure it said blonde too.”
I am sure that would come as a surprise to a few billion Chinese.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Do you have ambition...
I mean I want things out of life. I have desires, but getting "ahead"? I just don't think I am that way. I don't "keep up with the Joneses", I don't feel the need to excel at many things in order to gain this or that. I want to do things right, I want to do things well, I want order but not to be better than someone else. I also do not have an ambitious husband. He is not working 17 hours a day to get "X" promotion. So I am unversed with how ambitious people feel.
My thoughts came from the movie, The Other Boleyn Sister, which by the way is pretty good, although I cant promise historical accuracy without much investigation. Anyway, the father of the Boleyn girls is basically willing to sell his soul to the devil ( along with the virtue of his daughters) on the basis of ambition. His wife at one point of the movie says to her husband, "Since when did ambition become a virtue instead of a sin." Out of the whole movie this point stuck with me. It is true that ambition is sinful? Right.
Daily we push our kids, be good at this, be good at that. We instill in them the desire to be ambitious as if it is a good thing. What I don't think we do is along with teaching them to excel at things is to point out why we should excel at "x". We should push and strive to become WHO God wants us to be, the career He wants, the job He wants, the plan He has for our lives.
I want my children to succeed, I want my children to excel, I want my children to have good things in life. But with all that said I want them to excel at what God has for them, I want them to succeed in pursuing God and in turn live the life He set before them. I want my children to have good things in life, but not to think that those "good" things only are good if they have monetary value, or power behind them, or come with a status symbol attached to them.
So ambition bad... but striving for excellence good. Agree...
Carrie in Texas
Baking Part 2...

white flour
granulated sugar
brown sugar
powdered sugar
baking powder
baking soda
vanilla extract
mint extract
lemon extract
herbs and spices
quick oatmeal
nonstick cooking sprays
baking mixes
corn syrup
chocolate chips
apple cider vinegar
white wine vinegar
olive oil
vegetable oil
canned fruits
peanut butter
jams and jellies
whole wheat flour
other whole grain flours
frozen doughs
filo dough
frozen patty shells and puff pastryOkay a challenge to you bakers, please look over the list and let me know what else to include and feel free to send me easy (did you just read easy!) baking from scratch recipes for me to try! I will attempt the recipe, let my guinea pigs (my fabulous family) try them out!
Carrie a hopeful baker
Baking Part One...
Butterfly update...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Our School room...
Friday, July 25, 2008
School week in Review...

We did history, finally got to Christopher Columber (was I ever glad to hear about him!) We are close to being at the end of this year of history!
We did math, Kate and Matt both started on their Rod and Staff Math, which I have done 4 days with Kate and two days with Matt and I think I really like. Matt is actually more receptive to it but he also had a break from doing math and he tends to do better when we don't do a subject for a while and than he comes back stronger than ever...maybe the concepts have to marinate with him???
Emily did Phonics Pathways, worked on a lapbook I will show you later, she used her leapfrog this whole week and she doesnt just do the games, she put the pointer on each word and hears what word it is which I love. We are going through a set of scholastic readers, this week we did like and to. She loves to "read" a book.
We started our new Bible, it is Explorer Bible Study New Beginnings: Jesus life. I really, really like it. It is so basic, a short story, a few questions and I do have some activity sheets we will do on Fridays. We are also reading the actual Bible, I know what a concept, thank you Amy! We are starting in Matthew.
Kaitlin worked on English for the Thoughtful child and did proper nouns, one of the proper nouns was the name of William Wordsworth. The same day mom read something to Kate by William Wordsworth and Kate recognized the name. (I LOVE PEGS>>>) So we are doing a Wordsworth poem for her poetry notebook.
The kids did science at Mom's on Wednesday, we have one more week of weather. After we finish I plan for a break from science for two or three weeks than we start Chemistry! Which I am really excited about, I plan to video all our experiments so you can see them!
I know we did more but cannot think what...I have my schedule written out for the 9 week quarter so I should be able to give a really good weekly review next week.
Carrie scheduling in Texas
Kaitlin's butterfly experience...

Carrie in Texas raising butterflies
Thursday, July 24, 2008
My quirks...
Anyway, she had her hubbie list her quirks so here goes.
Me: What are my quirks???
Dear Hubbie: One of them??? (smirk) You have to check your email every 5 minutes?
Me: You think that is a quirk
Dear Hubbie: you have obviously identified a certain addiction to purchasing school supplies.
Me: That's true, what else:
Dear Hubbie: You will not walk into a movie 5 minutes late even if the only thing you have missed is the previews!
Me: I also can't stand to watch a tv drama is I don't get to see the "preview" for next week.
Dear Hubbie: I don't think you have that many quirks that I can think of,
Me: Do you think I am weird or normal:
Dear Hubbie: Ha Ha Ha laugh, I think you are abnormal in your own unique way but I think everyone has a quirk about them that makes them abnormal?
Me: what is normal?
Dear hubbie: exactly!
Me: Ah aren't you sweet! I know I am quirky and you are totally going to think of things later, or you are going to notice something and say "blog that!"
Quirky me in Texas
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Tea Set I want...

School Supplies...

Expose on Hotel drinking glasses
Just thought I would repost this in case any of you missed it!!!!
Carrie in Texas who uses plastic cups at hotels.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Nature in our backyard...
Carrie the non green thumb in Texas
Monday, July 21, 2008
Blackberry Cobbler

Very little procrastinating...
Carrie in Texas
Friday, July 18, 2008
Susan Wise Bauer...

Conflicting Quotes...
It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you
would lie if you were in his place. ~Henry Louis Mencken, A Little Book in
C Major, 1916
Those who think it is permissible to tell white lies soon grow
color-blind. ~Austin O'Malley
If we were all given by magic the power to read each other's thoughts, I suppose
the first effect would be to dissolve all friendships. ~Bertrand
The highest compact we can make with our fellow is - "Let there be truth between
us two forevermore." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of
what is kind than I am of what is true. ~Robert Brault
Today I was at lunch with some friends... Kate told a boy that his picture was okay and his feelings were hurt because she hadn't told him it was good. I asked Kate why she hurt his feelings and she said she just told him the picture was okay, not that it was bad or anything. The other moms and I began a discussion about lying.
I had already talked with Kate the other day about "white" lies verses "monster big" lies. I explained the conversation to the other moms and got their input about "white" lies.
This is the conclusion I came to. What do I tell my children to do when the "need" to lie presents itself...i.e. not hurt someones feelings. I decided that I will teach the kids to find something positive. For example the earlier picture that Kate said was okay, was a picture of a penguin, she could have said, "Oh I like that you used blue, or I like how his tail curled up." When asked do you like my new purse, and you think it is hideous, you could say oh, " I like the length of the handle, they are so hard to find!" When asked do you like my new haircut, " Oh I really like that you have it so short in the back."
Just find something positive... even if you really, really dislike something you can find something positive to say. Basically it is Pollyanna and the Glad Game all over, but not about being ungrateful, but about being honest.
what do yall think?
Carrie who is honestly in Texas
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
This is an Oh My Goodness Moment...

To Wear or Not to Wear...
Now for those who are thinking to yourself, "Just tell her what to wear and be done with it..." Yes, I know you're thinking it becasue I would. It is not that kind of situation. NO she should not argue with me about what she wears and I do abslutely deal with problem is trying to find some clothes she does like! I have for the most part picked out all her clothes, without consulting her who has to wear them! She is uncomfortable, she feels silly and feels like she looks stupid. Who wants to feel that way! I adamently don't!!! So we are going shopping.
A list of some things she DOES NOT like and deems hideous...
-puffed sleeved
-bows (only some times)
-short sleeves (for the most part she prefers long becasue she is always cold)
-polka dots
-dresses (she only likes skirts)
-the color brown she only likes in pants and shirts and she likes to wear it together (regardless of the shade of brown)
-apparently she does not like any shade of blue
I could sadly enough go on for a while.
Conclusion. I am going to try and find a few outfits that she feels very comfortable in and we will go from there. I will not stray from what we feel is appropiate so she can't just pick out anything. She loves skirts, but we will have to decide on those together. She will have to have a good attitude or we will leave the clothes and come home. I am firm on this and I have already talked to her about along with her Dad!
Carrie in Texas (who detests clothes shopping)
Monday, July 14, 2008
Saving millions on therapy... kudos to you bad parking!

I really think blogging in general is cathartic, it makes you think and usually in a rational manner post something. I know some people tend to shoot off posts, but generally speaking they are well thought out. I appreciate that instead of being rude, or mean or hateful... this guy has made a blog and is blowing his steam that way.
To plan or not to plan...
Procrastination is something best put
off until tomorrow.~Gerald Vaughan
This is my new motto! Of course I write this in my blog while procrastinating about doing other things I need to do! I am chronic! Okay, you don't know but I stopped blogging, got up and started my laundry! I also got the kids started on their morning jobs and pulled the sheets off my bed to wash them later...yeah now I am sitting back down!
Why do we procrastinate--I say selfishness, laziness, all the bad things we are that end in "ness". I of course don't want to be that way and I am certainly not always but the past few weeks I have absolutely been procrastinating in the area of the kids school work! Not a good thing to procrastinate with! Now I tell myself--we are taking longer breaks in the summer, we can do it later after..., if they learned something on the Animal planet than that is good enough for today! (Don't tell me you've never thought it!)
You know the old saying, "Fail to plan, plan to fail." Well I think that saying is just plain not accurate. Yes I agree you have to have a plan but so many of us homeschoolers PLAN but don't follow though! Don't tell me you don't!!! We have grand plans, we buy the stuff, we plan our year and "dum de dum dum dum" I think we just twiddle our thumbs...while surfing the internet, reading blogs we are addicted too. Or sign them up for so many outside activities that we are tired and don't school! I know I do! I will do great for a while, than I don't..
So my plan is to plan how I plan! I will devise a plan for when I don't maintain my plan. I will plan a way to plan in a way I can accomplish! Sound like a good plan!
I will set actual days off, though out the school year, I will give myself whole weeks off here and there. I will make myself do my job! The bonus is that I am posting my week in review on this blog--Amy here is the accountability part! So if you don't see my week in review, shoot me an email and ask to know what the kids did this week! Hopefully I will have only procrastinated about posting the review and not about doing the work!!!
Ex procrastinator in Texas
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008
For afore the harvest, when the bud is perfect, and the sour grape is
ripening in the flower, he shall both cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks, and
take away and cut down the branches.
--Isaiah 18:5We went to a Grape Festival at Haak Winery in Santa Fe, Texas. We woke up early and got there around 9:30. We came prepared with our pruners and everybody went to town! We pruned over a row of vines, it was so much fun! Everybody really seemed to enjoy themselves! The kids did such a great job, Emily cut off a few to many leaves but I think she worked hard! I was amazed at cutting the bunches of grapes , holding them in my hand and snipping them off the vine, it was simply an amazing experience. I would love to do it again and it strengthens my resolve to go to a pick your own food farm this upcoming year as soon as different foods come in season!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Convictions and plans...

deeply and strongly that they should be homeschooling. They sometimes start homeschooling with only this conviction to go on, unsure of exactly how they will proceed, and they work out practical details and solve problems as they go
-Larry and Susan Kaseman, in "Taking Charge Through Homeschooling"
Homeschooling for me is absolutely a matter of heart of belief. I feel very strongly and deeply that I should be homeschooling. Did I start with only a conviction to go on... I don't think so. Since before my children were born I knew we would home school, my dear hubbie and I planned it! I went to a winter home school conference the year before I got married! I was already planning, looking, researching. I did truly have strong convictions and moved forward with homeschooling because of them, now ask me if it is how I thought it would be...not all of it! Did I think it would be this hard, no. Did I think it would be this rewarding, I couldn't have! Of course we have to proceed and work out practical plans as we go...our lives change, our children have different ways of learning! We all have to have some type of conviction to start homeschooling in the first place, and we all come into our own! We all figure it out, some have more trouble than others of course! I can honestly say I have a 9 1/2 year old and have home schooled her the entire time, this year I am feeling good! I felt okay last year but going into a new school year I feel really good. I have done all my research, I have ordered any new stuff (or bid on eBay!) and once it gets here, we begin! A new journey, a new year, a new plan, a slightly changed conviction but just as strong and just as motivating!
What is your conviction and do you have plan...
Carrie in Texas
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Albert Einstein said...
If you want your children to be brilliant, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be geniuses, read them more fairy tales.
.Carrie in Texas
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
A new Adventure...

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Hawaiin Quilt pattern...
A funny story...
Friday, July 4, 2008
July 4, 1776...About standing up for what you believe is right...
The Declaration of Independence...

The Declaration of Independence was approved this day, July 4, 1776. John Hancock, the first to sign, said: “the price on my head has just doubled.”
Benjamin Franklin signed saying “We must hang together or most assuredly we shall hang separately.”
Of the fifty-six signers: 17 lost their fortunes, 12 had their homes destroyed, 9 fought and died, 5 were arrested as traitors, and 2 lost sons in the War.
As Samuel Adams signed, he said: “We have this day restored the Sovereign to whom all men ought to be obedient. He reigns in heaven and from the rising to the setting of the sun, let His kingdom come.”
Happy Fourth of July...
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
A tax credit for home schoolers... NO thank you.
Carrie in Texas