Well I have running around like a chicken with my head cut off, we had a garage sale today, Book club at my house and my kids still got some school done so I am feeling good! On top of all that at lunch time my family (except me) ate McDonald's! ( For all those who havent gotten the message the
AFA has ended the ban and McDonald's has made some better business choices! So we rewarded them with our money after over 5 months of not doing business with them! But I was good and did not eat McDonald's! So anyway I did pretty well this week, one night I had the "I wanna eats..." but I banished them with a good food choice!
My goals for this week are as follows:
I will continue with my rules which are
no fried food
approx 45 carbs a day (I am deciding to not count all carbs, some items that are naturally high in carbs but God wants me to eat them like apples, banana's and lentils, I will not count)
No desserts even sugar free for the first 6 weeks
water ( I am just Not doing this but I am counting 4 cups of herbal tea day into my water count! Hey that is the best I'm gonna do folks!)
I would really like my goal this coming week to get out of the house and go to a park or for a walk a least three times! On Wednesday we walked to Walgreens (my reward was a diet coke). The kids after we reached our destination thought it was kindof dumb and asked why we didnt just take the car! Oh well I got a diet coke and I walked really far!
This week's topic was: What are you doing differently at mealtimes?
Well I am eating different foods, I am eating different amounts, I am aware of the foods I am eating and I am trying to not make food the reward!
Alot of times I just have no idea how much food I consume but here is an example.
What I would eat at Taco Bell
Mexican Pizza 213 calories 46 carbs
taquito's 128 calories 37 carbs
sour cream 43 calories 4 carbs
rice and beans 138 calories 19 carbs
large drink no calories or carbs just death in a bottle
Total= 523 calories and 106 carbs
Or what I would eat at Wendys
Chicken sandwich 330 calories and 34 carbs
large fries 550 calories and 73 carbs
large drink no calories or carbs just death in a bottle
Total= 880 calories 107 carbs
So think about that when I tell you I am basically eating around 15-25 carbs a meal!
Now that is doing something different!!!!!!!!!!!!!