Monday- Actually a day at home, but Kaitlin gone to her MawMaw's so we didnt get a vast amount of school done but I worked with Emily and Matt!
Oh and Monday Dave and I had a date night! It was wonderful! We have missed two and I really felt it plus him working so much so this was a great time! We ate at Kim Son, went to Half Price books and Barnes and Noble in search of a book for Matt's school list- didnt find it so I had to order it off Amazon! Oh well we had a great time!
Tuesday- first day back to American Heritage Girls. I still didnt have a co leader so I was nervous but Becky stepped up so I am good! It was the mandatory parents meeting so we had new girls. There were 11 + probably 4 more so that is a full house! It will hopefully be a really good year!
Wednesday- I did errands for my stuff on Thursday and Saturday, we did school and finished up our science reading. We also went to the library. Kate made brownies which we took to the Garden Oaks church for their homeless ministry! A good day over all!
Thursday- Big day... I had our first science day with Margaret and the kids so I had to get over there by 11:00 but I had stops to make first so we left at 8:50! We went to the bank, Sams, the grocery store, CVS, Hobby lobby and Clairs! After all the errands we went to margarets house for Science. We are getting together to do the experiments as a group which my kids will love! This week was camouflage. We had different colored M&Ms in a basket and the basket was full of balled up papers the same color as the M&Ms. The kids (the predators) had to hunt their prey ( the M&Ms) The kids really enjoyed this!
After science we had the BSCH Back to school BAsh! I could not believe how many people showed up!!! It was a mad house! We had crafts, snacks, balloon animals, curriculum for sale, a few sign up tables, our Leadership Team (Board) had a table to answer questions and get the Statement of Faith signed... It was a FULL DAY! I was exhausted afterward but Amy took Matt and Emily so I just had Kate and we went home. Dave got off at 5:00 and the three of us went and ate so that was a nice time!
Friday- we did a little school but mostly I got ready for Allison's 80's party! Whoo hoo!
Saturday- Allison's 80's party! It was definitely some blasts from the past!
Sunday- We vegged most of the early afternoon and then went to Hal and Vickie's for dinner. Dave Hal and Matt (yes I said Matt) went to the shooting range. Still not sure how I feel about this but trying to go with the flow! Yall know how good I am at that now dont you!
Anyway, a full, full week! Now hopefully on Friday of this week I will tell you how this week went!
On a side note, Matt just called me outside because he found an owl in our tree in the back yard. Sure enough it is a small owl about 8 inches tall. It is CUTE! He even cocked his head like you see them do in movies! It was neat!