Okay, I will try to do a wrap up of the year 2009 in my New Years post since I havent blogged since AUGUST, but I am going to start today with Christmas at the Thompson household. We had a wonderful Christmas! It was truly enjoyable, and not all Christmas years are! Some years you are just to busy, or just to stressed, or you just didnt ever get in the spirit!
Well this year was good! I had budgeted really well so money was not a huge problem, I mean I was very careful but because I was careful I wasnt stressed for the most part! That is always a good feeling! We paid for Christmas as well as everything else in our life with CASH!!! Every once in a while we need a little help but we try out absolute best! This is our, lets see 2002 is when Dear Hubbie was laid off and my parents graciously helped us out that year so 2003 was our first cash Christmas and its been that way ever since! It is such an amazing feeling!
We did fun family outing together, not all worked out the best! I still have not seen the Festival of Lights at Moody Gardens! Maybe next year! Dave had a day off here and there which made it nice! The kids didnt ask for any specific big gift so we had a year of little things. I did buy more than 3 presents a piece but it was a weird year and we still spent less than we have on other years!
Well this year was good! I had budgeted really well so money was not a huge problem, I mean I was very careful but because I was careful I wasnt stressed for the most part! That is always a good feeling! We paid for Christmas as well as everything else in our life with CASH!!! Every once in a while we need a little help but we try out absolute best! This is our, lets see 2002 is when Dear Hubbie was laid off and my parents graciously helped us out that year so 2003 was our first cash Christmas and its been that way ever since! It is such an amazing feeling!
We did fun family outing together, not all worked out the best! I still have not seen the Festival of Lights at Moody Gardens! Maybe next year! Dave had a day off here and there which made it nice! The kids didnt ask for any specific big gift so we had a year of little things. I did buy more than 3 presents a piece but it was a weird year and we still spent less than we have on other years!

Kaitling wanted DS games, a robe and slippers and a Yada Yada video maker! She also of course wanted BOOKS! She ended up with a gift card for 1/2 Price books and the day after Christmas everything in the store was 20% off so she got her moneys worth!
Matt wanted Wii games, DS games and of course the ever loving Lego's! He is very happy with his lego set and had it put together very quickly! His Wii game is the new Super Mario's game and it is a huge family hit!

Emily wanted a Pillow Pet.. this was her greatest wish! I tried very hard to find her the unicorn she wanted and could not so we bought a zebra, then mom found a horse so we bought that too and lo and behold we did find the mystical and magical creature just a few days before Christmas! I paid out the wazoo for it plus of course the other two I had already bought but well she got her treasured Pillow Pet!
She also wanted... drumroll... Barbies! I have rarely set foot in this realm! We have stuck with Pollys for a while and Kaitlin wasnt ever really interested. Emily got a set of Dancing Princess Barbies one year but it felt differnt. This year she wanted Barbies and Barbie clothes! Do you know how hard it is to find NON skanky Barbie clothes! Difficult! But Aunt Deanna managed to find two very NON skanky outfits and Emily is happy as a lark!
So all were happy with their gifts and me and Dear Hubbie are happy so all is good!
I need to take a minute to say that I love this house for decorating! I mean it is wonderful! If I would have had some extra money I would have done it up a lot, but we decided to spend that money on more practical things! However the house still looked great. We actually had snow here in NOVEMBER of all things, so here is a pic of the kids in front of the house!

Anyway, over all it was a wonderful season... I am ready to get back on track with my schedule and school, I could without all the once a week commitments forever but I know they are important too! So I will press on!
I promise to recap the year on New Years Eve and one of my goals this year is to start blogging again! I enjoy it and it gives me my own scrapbook... pictures OR not!