Join in if you want to! this is my third year to do it! I know leaving my previous answers makes for a long post but I wanted to see where I was coming from!
1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before?
in 2008...ate sushi
In 2009...did a Thanksgiving dinner completely by myself! Turkey and all! oh and I shot a gun!
In 2010...I went for one hour on the elliptical. It is a little over 4 miles!
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
In 2008...No way, I don't think I kept any of them!!!
In 2009... I will talk more on this later but no not for the most part and Yes I will make more for 2010!
In I will go with a no.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
in 2008..not extremely close.
In 2009? Um Yes Sarah Jean Frederick's!!!
In 2010...nope
4. Did anyone close to you die?
In 2009... um no, not really, really close to me.
In 2010...nope
5. What countries did you visit?
in 2008...Um does the USA count?
in 2009... still stuck to the USA
in 2010... ditto
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
in 2008...better finances and less weight! I guess will power!
In 2009...more wisdom in presidential elections! More wisdom in politics, more money, more weight loss
in 2010...this year I will say fear (respect of God) because that is the beginning of wisdom and maybe it will get me somewhere!
7. What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
in 2008... I cant remember so I guess they weren't etched on my memory!
In 2009... the inauguration... I knew the world as I knew it would start to change and it has!
In 2010.. health care vote was a big one, the mid elections were a big one but I really, really liked the moment I saw the Sears tower in Chicago!
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
in 2008...I am not trying to be negative but i don't feel I accomplished much this year.
in 2009... hmmmm we moved into our rent house and we have managed very well financially... I mean we don't have a lot of savings but we are paying cash and doing what we need to! I also want to re mention Thanksgiving here! I mean to me a turkey was a big deal! But that is just me!
in 2010... again a cash year, there was 40 pounds of weight loss, and I did some growing up in some areas
9. What was your biggest failure?
in 2008....weight loss and not keeping my temper in check
In 2009... I will say the same answer which is not something I am proud of exactly!
In 2010...probably I will re say.. not keeping my SELF in check, more weight loss and finances (not getting the van)
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
in we are all healthy!
in 2009... no healthy, all of us! We are truly blessed in that area!
in 2010... we have actually ALL been sicker this year than any other.. some of that is our own fault, some is just life
11. What was the best thing you bought?
in camera, which I have since LOST!
in 2009... best thing I bought???? seriously kind of silly and I am sure I loved lots of things I bought but I love the mixing bowl set I got courtesy of Vickie, she blessed me with a gift of cash just for being little ole me and I bought mixing bowls. Yes sounds weird but I needed some! I also bought a whisk, a set of cooking pans, a book and some Christmas decor that I wanted but would not spend money on!
in 2010...a YMCA membership? All about Spelling curriculum. a tea set for a friend
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
in 2008...Honestly probably my husbands, we have on and off but he was more on this year I think!
in 2009... I might say Hubbies again, we made some big decisions this year and he has been more on top of things than ever... not perfect but there is definite improvement!
in 2010... Hubbie I'm sorry to say NOT topping the list but he is on it. Emily has made some big improvements over the last few weeks (although we have a ways to go) , I think I will also say that Matt has grown in some areas too. Kate is definitely maturing also.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
in 2008...Honestly keeping it real here probably mine?
in 2009... um mine but more so I would say CONGRESS!
in 2010... in keeping with last years post....the American people (we should have TAKEN all of congress and the fact that Sheila Jackson Lee is still in office astounds ME! My personal behavior has appalled me a bit this year and as for as depressed me... well there are people.)
14. Where did most of your money go?
in a big fat nothing store- probably Walmart
in 2009... I am proud to say I have hardly stepped foot in a Walmart.. there is not one close so we hardly ever go. (I don't have any thing against Walmart BTW!) I think most of my money this year went to rent and all that MISC!
in 2010... where did my money go this year? I DO NOT KNOW? Discover Gymnastics and the Home school store is on that list! CHURCH! (but that is a good thing), health insurance (which keeps going up) and Kroger's! YEP that is where it all went! Oh wait and my gas tank! :)
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
in 2008....our Branson Vacation and our Garner trip basically any travel! Oh and seeing Amy Grant in concert!
in 2009....I guess Brian and Allison's wedding! That was a big one! Kristal got to come down so that was awesome and we got into a house in the Heights, not exactly Garden Oaks but I am happy!
in 2010... UM CHICAGO honestly and getting to see the fam (Kristal and Sarah Jean Girl! more than once!) and changes in our family scheduling!
16. What song will always remind you of 2008?
in, I dunno know.
in 2009...still don't know.. I mean I love music but I don't always relate it to an event but I guess I will choose the Over the Rainbow that was played at Brian and Allison's wedding!
In 2010... Matthew West THE MOTIONS
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? (c) poorer or richer?
in 2008
(a) Happier!
(b) fatter
(c) Poorer
in 2009...
(a) happier
(b) a little fatter but slimming down too!
(c) I am not poorer... I am staying in one place!
In 2010..
(a) happier
(b) fatter but slimming down again (WOW-- so tired of this conversation)
(c) technically not poorer but not really richer??? I guess even.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
In 2008 -losing weight, exercising
in 2009... again losing weight, exercising, school with the kids!!!!!!! character training, political awareness...
in 2010... ditto to 2009, add serving others and giving grace.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
In 2008...have less fear and anxiety
in 2009... same although I maintain I am doing better! spent money on frivolous things instead of applying it to more important thing!
in 2010... gosh sadly ditto 2009 (WHY WONT I LEARN), but also add unimportant stuff.
20. How did you spend Christmas?
In 2008...At home with the kids!
in 2009... at home with the kids, then lunch at Moms house, we spent Christmas Eve in Vickie's new house and it was wonderful!
in 2010... Christmas Eve here, Christmas Day at moms.. we did attend a Candlelight service at our church which was amazing!
21. Did you fall in love in 2008?
In 2008...I was already in love!
in 2009...Yes, I fell in love with the IPHONE.. want to get one!
in 2010.... with the "GAND" kids and with HULU. Sorry Sarah but they share the SAME line! :)
22. What was your favorite TV program?
in 2008....Greys Anatomy or Men in Trees
in 2009...hmmm Glen Beck or Eureka!
in 2010... I still watch a number of shows on HULU but I don't think any of them are my favorite anymore!
23. deleted question
24. What was the best book you read?
in 2008...Tales of Despereaux
in 2009...the Mothers book by Mrs. child (1831) and the kids and I loved Old Yeller and Pilgrims Progress! I also started reading Debbie Macomber and I really like her.
in 2010... Laura Bush memoirs was good, I also read the last Clive Cussler book which was good. I read a book on anger for Matt and myself which was good. I actually don't REMEMBER reading much, maybe I didn't?
25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
in 2008...Um an IPOD??
in 2009...Michael Buble????
in 2010...contemporary Christian music.. I mean I have always liked it but I think it went down hill for awhile and I was drawn to a different style but I am really liking praise music right now and a lot of the artists.
26. What did you want and get?
in 2008.....a camera and wireless printer (got it, till I lost the camera!)
in 2009... a house near Garden Oaks and Dave's work! got it!!!!
in 2010... new bed and room stuff for the kids--- we got a lot of it, still a work in progress but we did start!
27. What did you want and not get?
in 2008....a few less pounds
in 2009.. yes a few less pounds and an emergency fund Dave Ramsey style! oh and a new, new camera!
in 2010... I will go with newer vehicle. I mean we got a vehicle new to us ( KISSES) but we were planning on a newer used vehicle and we never got it together. We are going to do better!
28. What was your favorite film of this year?
in 2008...I cant really think of my favorite but I guess I will pick Prince Caspian!
in 2009... easy STAR TREK! I love this movie!
in 2010... How to Train Your Dragon!
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
in 2008...Um my birthday was spent in a hotel room with NO electricity so not so much fun! I turned 31
in 2009.. well I turned 32 and I did have electricity so that is better! I had dinner with friends, it was great!
in 2010... I turned 33 and I got to go out and craft with friends and family, we also had dinner. It was a great day!
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
in 2008....losing some weight and have a significant amount in savings, after having paid off most of our debt!
in 2009...I will re say all the stuff from my 2008 answer...
in 2010... darn the ditto! Almost makes me wish I couldn't see the failure from the other years too cuz it is the same old story! Gotta do better!
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
in 2008....jeans and polo
in 2009.. well if you know me at all jeans and a polo! I have branched out this winter, I bought a beautiful ice blue sweater! Hey that's big! I am a black and brown kind of gal!
in 2010... BTW, haven't worn the beautiful ice blue sweater ONCE so far this year! I am still doing jeans and a polo but do try to look nice too! I wore it on Christmas just say I had worn it!
32. What kept you sane?
in coke and blogging
in 2009... um lets say GOD who I believe invented Diet coke! and maybe just plain being to busy to go insane???? I do best when busy!
in 2010... was I sane? no really, God, my husband, good friends who tell me the truth, blogging and my new church!
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
in 2008....Easy, Sarah Palin
in 2009...I was glad to see more of Sarah Palin and I was glad to see Whitney Houston back on tour and looking beautiful! I guess though as far as public figures pretty much the entire cast (can you use the word cast?) of the Fox News Network!
in 2010...I don't think I paid close attention? I was glad to see Amy Grant with her new song out, which is awesome. I think Michele Duggar was amazing through her whole ordeal. I still respect Fox News Network, but no favorites this year!
34. What political issue stirred you the most?
in 2008...The election.
in 2009.. too many to mention without using up all of cyber space but seriously we are in trouble here people! Please step and and get active... we have a job to do taking back seats this year!
in 2010.. we took back a lot of seats, not nearly enough but a lot! Everything political stirs me know, but it is also about PEOPLE not just laws and government. I have to remember PEOPLE. NO I AM NOT GOING DEMOCRATIC.. I mean in the good Jesus way.. People!
35. Who did you miss?
in 2008....I guess no one- does the cast of Men in Trees count?
in 2009... I will say around the time of Brian's Wedding I missed my Great Grandmother (Nennie) a lot. I just thought she would have loved to see it!
in 2010.. Sarah Jean was on my mind a lot. This last half of the year I missed my friends, just not seeing them anymore since all the schedule change.
36. Who was the best new person you met?
in 2008...Jennifer Coplings
in 2009....I just don't know that I have many new people... that sounds horrible! I must work on that this year!
in 2010... Connie Woods, children director at Garden Oaks
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
in 2008...I do have enough.
in 2009...that sometimes giving grace for wrongs is better than giving punishment.
in 2010... that we don't all have to believe everything about the Bible in the same way.. I mean once you get past THE CROSS and its entirety. The rest is just going to be okay without us all believing exactly the same thing. However THE Cross and IT"S truth are NON negotiable.
38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
In 2008.....From Beautiful World (Fisher)------It's the theme song on TLC for all their shows.
in 2009... this is the whole song, "Alright" by Darius Rucker
in 2010... Lift up Your Face Third Day
Oh yeah…
Do you hear Him calling?
Can you hear Him calling?
He’s calling out your name
He’s calling out your name
Lift up your face, lift up your face
Salvation is calling, salvation is calling
Lift up your face, lift up your face
Salvation is calling, salvation is calling your name
If We Ever Needed You Casting Crowns
With shipwrecked faith idols rise
We do what is right in our own eyes
Our children will now pay the price
We need your light, Lord,shine your light
If we've ever needed you,
Lord, it's now, Lord it's now
we are desperate for your hand
We're reaching our, we're reaching out.
My Own Little World Matthew West
What if there’s a bigger picture?
What if I’m missing out?
What if there’s a greater purpose
I should be living right now
Outside my own little world yeah, yeah
My own little world oooh
Father break my heart for what breaks Yours
Give me open hands and open doors
and put Your Light in my eyes and let me see
That my own little world is not about me