I am not sure but pretty much my thoughts are pointed towards what I am doing with my life. I heard - now this is a very popular song on Christian radio so I am not saying I just heard the song... I am saying I "heard" the song today! Actually I "heard" the song in a different way.
THE MOTIONS by Matthew West
This might hurt, it's not safe
But I know that I've gotta make a change
I don't care if I break,
At least I'll be feeling something
'Cause just okay is not enough
Help me fight through the nothingness of life
I don't wanna go through the motions
I don't wanna go one more day
without Your all consuming passion inside of me
I don't wanna spend my whole life asking,
"What if I had given everything,
instead of going through the motions?"
No regrets, not this time
I'm gonna let my heart defeat my mind
Let Your love make me whole
I think I'm finally feeling something
'Cause just okay is not enough
Help me fight through the nothingness of this life
'Cause I don't wanna go through the motions
I don't wanna go one more day
without Your all consuming passion inside of me
I don't wanna spend my whole life asking,
"What if I had given everything,
instead of going through the motions?"
take me all the way (take me all the way)
take me all the way ('cause I don't wanna go through the motions)
take me all the way (I know I'm finally feeling something real)
take me all the way
I don't wanna go through the motions
I don't wanna go one more day
without Your all consuming passion inside of me
I don't wanna spend my whole life asking,
"What if I had given everything,
instead of going through the motions?"
I don't wanna go through the motions
I don't wanna go one more day
without Your all consuming passion inside of me
I don't wanna spend my whole life asking,
"What if I had given everything,
instead of going through the motions?"
take me all the way (take me all the way)
take me all the way (I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go)
take me all the way (through the motions)
take me all the way
I don't wanna go through the motions
I want to move this away from the christian walk (NOT that I mean it that way but just taking the song from a different perspective) I want to say that he is talking about parenting.
I don't want to get to the end of the road parenting and wished I had given everything instead of going through the motions.
I want HIS passion for raising my kids. I know He blessed me with them. I know HE in trusted them to my care. I know He gives me the strength and courage and wisdom to be an awesome parent.
The problem is I don't always treat them like the blessing they are. I don't always feel up to the task that He has in trusted. I DO NOT always rely on His strength or courage or wisdom in being a parent.
I do not always feel passionate about my job. I WANT TO HAVE AN ALL CONSUMING PASSION for parenting my children! God has blessed us to be able to home school and I feel like I am letting that CHANCE slip right past me.
I don't want that.
PLEASE GOD, Take me all the way. Please God fill me with an enduring passion to raise these children in a way that is pleasing to YOU.