I am seeing a lot of blog posts about Elf on a Shelf, advent, Jesse tree..... etc. I have always wanted to do "something" leading up to Christmas day, but have never had it work out before. I think I have decided on basically Advent "ish" activities
I am using The Family book of Advent by Carol Garborg
![]() |
2.99 @ Life Way |
It is perhaps too young for Kate but I think it will be a simple daily activity that will be a launching point for discussion with the two older ones.
There are a lot of supplies needed for a lot of the days, I might substitute or "skip" an activity if I can share it in a different way without time and expense. However a lot of the activities are just fun craft stuff that we could do regardless.
We will also use an ADVENT calender...
I am using this garland to make our advent calender. We will have 25 snowman draped across on this garland, each snowman will be numbered 1-25. On the back of the snowman will be a little sheet of paper that allows an activity, treat or instruction.
FOR example:
1. Make a wreath (the kids will get to decorate a wreath that we will use with our advent activities.
4. donuts for breakfast
9. take each of the girls at VOLLEYBALL a treat.
12. go out for dessert after Emily's gymnastics meet.
20. take crafts to the nursing home
23. make a dessert and go deliver it to the home less around our house.
25. Jesus is the only gift you ever really need....
And light an ADVENT wreath "candle" on each Sunday before Christmas:
again budget wise I wanted to get the "point" across but not spend a lot. I looked at the actual wreaths that they sell, but didn't want to spend that much so I MADE my own. I just used tissue scrunchies (99cents @ Target) I cut a green paper plate that I had and placed it all on a tray that I already had. I used tea lights that YOU GUESSED it I already had. So cost of "wreath" 99cents!
*************disclaimer--- yes I see the worried looks I am getting surrounding tissue paper by lighted candles BUT they will only be lit for a few minutes under supervision and then blown out.***************
• November 28, 2010 - First Sunday of Advent
• December 5, 2010 - Second Sunday of Advent
• December 12, 2010 - Third Sunday of Advent
• December 19, 2010 - Fourth Sunday of Advent
I am very excited about doing this! We have never "done" Santa with the kids, they have never even made Christmas lists (although we have asked for suggestions before), so they don't think it is all about GETTING. But I do want to make sure to really focus on our relationship with each other, on GIVING, on GOD and how HE sent HIS son to come to Earth and die for us.
We have a number of Service activities that I would like to get done this month, we have a limit on our extra funds so we will need to be creative in finding ways to GIVE of our self to others.
HOW are y'all celebrating this holiday season???