This is how much I love my friend Becky Eck...
Just so you get the full effect of the cake, it is on a board that is 2x3 feet. The head is a 9 inch diameter cake pan, the body and tail is a 13x9 size cake cut apart and the hair is 11 regular size cup cakes! Joel has to come pick it up in the van because it is to large to go in our car without turning it sideways!!! But it turned out pretty darn good and I have done my duty for quite a while!
BTW, Emily wants a horse that big for her birthday cake, Yeah.
Carrie in Texas
Carrie, is it early enough to put in my order for an August birthday cake?! : ) You did a great job! I really enjoyed getting to talk to you at the party - even though it was a lot of work...LOL