Friday, July 18, 2008

Susan Wise Bauer...

Here I am at the Courtyard Marriot, in Bryan, Texas!!! I am here so that at 8:30 in the morning I can book it to the Conference Center in College Station to hear this woman speak.

Susan Wise Bauer is the author of the Well Trained Mind. This is the book that the fair majority of my curriculum is based on. This is the book that is referenced first whenever I have a question, you know before I hit the Well Trained Mind message forums!

Susan Wise Bauer lives on the East coast and has never in the 4 years I have been watching her itinerary listing on her website ventured anywhere near our Great State. She has never done a lecture below the Mason Dixon Line as far as I know( Besides in Virginia). Anyway, she is here, in College Station, Texas.

I know I sound like she walks on water and I don't think that at all but I am really excited to hear her speak and truly believe I will leave here tomorrow being a better teacher! She will be talking about books and how important they are which I absolutely agree with! READ, READ, READ... but don't read "fluff" read books of substance, from great authors! There are so many!!! The kids are finishing up Canterbury Tales from Chaucer right now, and than we begin Robin Hood, after that a variety of Shakespeare's work. READ!
Anyway, all this to say I am excited! I am going to be blessed tomorrow and leave with a refreshed vision of our school philosophy!
Carrie in College Station, Texas


  1. I LOVE that you and your kids read so much. I plan on reading more this year. I'm not sure why it is so hard. When my daughter was young, we could easily spend 2 hours a day reading. Oh, but we weren't trying to do math, science, etc. :-) Anyway, I KNOW how important it is to read.

    We are working on The Black Stallion right now. I read it first to make sure it wasn't too sad. It is a wonderful book!

  2. have you read Black Beauty! It is one of my favorite stories!

    It is hard to read to be honest! We have an incredible reading list for this year! I am anxious about it!!! My dear hubbie also reads to the kids in the evening before bed a lot of nights, this comes in phases! but it is helpful to me!
