Tuesday, July 15, 2008

To Wear or Not to Wear...

Okay so how many of you have 5 years who want to wear what they want to wear... surely I am not the only one! I can't imagine that my little girl is the only girl who has such high standards for her wardrobe! I am slowly compiling a list of her ... dislikes. I use the word dislike sparingly here because the situation is far more serious! She doesnt dislike..she can't stand, she abominates them, she ahbors them, she loathes them, she detest them...get the picture. I dress her and she says, if we havent already fussed about it, "Well this is just ridiculous' -read ra-dic-a-lus, in place for the actual pronounciation. Or she says, " This is hideous!" She is a very dramatic child, don't know where she gets it!

Now for those who are thinking to yourself, "Just tell her what to wear and be done with it..." Yes, I know you're thinking it becasue I would. It is not that kind of situation. NO she should not argue with me about what she wears and I do abslutely deal with that...my problem is trying to find some clothes she does like! I have for the most part picked out all her clothes, without consulting her who has to wear them! She is uncomfortable, she feels silly and feels like she looks stupid. Who wants to feel that way! I adamently don't!!! So we are going shopping.

A list of some things she DOES NOT like and deems hideous...

-puffed sleeved
-bows (only some times)
-short sleeves (for the most part she prefers long becasue she is always cold)
-polka dots
-dresses (she only likes skirts)
-the color brown she only likes in pants and shirts and she likes to wear it together (regardless of the shade of brown)
-apparently she does not like any shade of blue

I could sadly enough go on for a while.

Conclusion. I am going to try and find a few outfits that she feels very comfortable in and we will go from there. I will not stray from what we feel is appropiate so she can't just pick out anything. She loves skirts, but we will have to decide on those together. She will have to have a good attitude or we will leave the clothes and come home. I am firm on this and I have already talked to her about along with her Dad!

Carrie in Texas (who detests clothes shopping)


  1. I feel your pain, my daughter is the same way. She has one pair of shorts she's willing to wear. The rest of her "bottoms" are to short, to long, itchy, ugly, ect. Good luck with the shopping trip!

  2. Oh, I understand, too! My daughter is still very particular at 7... but not as much as when she was younger. I think it was when she was about 4 that she had ONE DRESS she wanted to wear every day. We compromised and she wore it about 4 times a week! No kidding. We washed & washed that dress. It was a bitter sweet day when it finally had to be put away... :-)

  3. I think I would prefer bittersweet right now! to be honest I have to post her wardrob choices after we went shopping. it seems like we are having less fusses even when she isnt wearing one of the "chosen" outfits! yeah.
