Friday, August 1, 2008

Going Green makes me see red and feel blue...

I have a healthy respect for the Earth, I mean I believe that God made our Earth, I believe God called us to care for the Earth, I dont believe what is happening to the Earth is Gods plan but Mans laziness! But really, should our entire worldview revolve around Going Green. I feel like Going Green is a made up holiday that Hallmark benefits from! I feel like it is a ploy, a gimmic, an "agenda". I know that there is truth to it, I have bought the Walmart "bag", I will absolutely get rid of my gas guzzling suburban just as soon as the quantum physic guys perfect teleportation! Beam me up Scottie! I will collect newspapers, or sign up for "paperless billing" online, I will plant a tree on ahbor day! But it is not the main focus of my life!!! Every show, store, movie, billboard and company is shoving "Green" down our throats! Didnt we already make it though the "save the Earth" phase a few years ago.. You know Kenny Rogers...WE ARE THE WORLD, WE ARE THE CHILDREN...we cut up six pack holders to save the turtles and boycotted tuna for ever! It is a phase and I for one am tired of it all the time.

Be responsible, be mindful of what you do, do your part but enough of it all the time 24/7!
End of rant.....

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