Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We have butterflies!!!

Yesterday all 5 butterflies were "hatched", is that the right word???
Kaitlin noticed 3 when when she woke up, one during our school work time and one when we got home from a meeting. We fed them their sugar water and Kaitlin also gave them some fresh watermelon at lunch! I just found this whole process facsinating! It was really, really cool and moms who have not done this with thier children please make it a point to! It is so cool! I loved it! I think we might do lady bugs next. We will have a butterfly release party on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that fun??? Just a word of caution... we put small pieces of watermelon in with our newly emerged butterflies and one of them got their wings stuck to it! (It was never able to fly...)

    Enjoy the butterflies! We have some new monarch caterpillars outside and we're thinking about bringing them in. We raised about 15 last fall.
