Sunday, September 28, 2008

To weigh or not to weigh...

Okay do you believe in weighing yourself? I have a friend who weighs herself every morning, another who weighs every once in a while and one who never weighs herself. I have decided I am really not a person who likes to weigh. I do weigh WAY to much but I dont think it has to do with this. I just think I like to see weight loss results through how my clothes fit! So why are some people bothered by the numbers but otheres not? I mean personally I do not understand society at larges preoccupation by "the number". There are just so many variable, so many factors that make that number mean nothing? Your height, your bone structure, your family history, your age! The number should not mean anything to us. If you are healthy, if you feel good, if you fit into the clothing you want to and like how you look...why the number thing.

I went on a diet a few years ago and lost weight like nothing! It was hard but I lost the weight easily if that makes sense? In like less than 15 weeks I had lost over 40 lbs. I looked really great. Now I am MUCH heavier than I was at the beginning of that diet. I am the absolutely heaviest I have ever been. So now is the time. But I am not going to measure, I am not going to weight. I will let the pictures tell the truth. I am not posting the pictures right now, I might post them as I see progress and feel a little better about myself.

I ate a pint of Rocky Road Icecream last and as I finished it I told my dh okay this is it for 6 weeks. I say 6 weeks because I have to do this in parts. I KNOW I can get through 6 weeks so I will just do this 6 weeks at a time.

MY Goal is simply lose a clothes size or possible two for now.
My Way is simply EAT LESS

I will Eat Way less! I will watch my carbs. no more than 45 a day for the most part
I will eat no desserts, even diet ones for the 1st 6 weeks.
I will eat nothing fried.
I will drink two large classes of OO-Long tea (green tea has a natural appetite suppressant)
I will drink large quantities of water starting with a minimum of 8- 8oz glasses a day. I am also not allowing my self a diet coke until my 8 cup water quota is met.
I will make sure to meet my calorie number for the day- this is sometimes hard to do if you are eating right!
I will excersie ( but this is loosely meaning I will get up off my butt and do something not speficially walk x amount of time or so many times of the week or lift weights?
I will, I will, I will.

I have to give myself very stringent rules, I am a rule follower so this helps me personally to write down what I will and will not do.

I will link with Brenda on Friday. I will not mention this diet thing except on Fitness Fridays so dont worry about the blog becoming ALL ABOUT MY EATING HABITS!

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