Who would have thought as a teenager that relationships wouldnt get easier? I mean didnt you think there could be no place on earth or below it that is as bad as ....junior high? I sure did. It.was.agony. I hated it. I finally got to high school and to be honest it wasnt much better. Girls at that age well they suck! and boys well they make better friends but there is the "attraction" thing. Like why can't we just be friends with a boy??? Anyway, middle of tenth grade I packed up my locker, went downstairs to my moms car and told her I was not going back.
I didnt.
Unfortunely I still went to church with all these people so it wasnt like I didnt have to deal with the relationship issue anymore, I did. This problem was slightly compounded by the fact that I missed all the inside stuff. But oh, well, I was satisfied. I eventually started dating my dh and than marriage, babies, etc! I didnt worry about relationships for a while.
So I am now in a place where I feel pretty good about the relationships I have. I have a few really good friends, a lot of people that I love and care about, and people that I deal with and am on friendly terms with. Just the other day I had a friend tell me about a friend problem. So and so was mad or upset at so and so and blah, blah, blah.... I didnt think anything of it at the time but seriously I just didnt realize I would still be doing "this" at my age.
It just occured to me that the people that did this in junior high are now still doing it as grown ups? Some people dont change??? Some people havent matured in their relationships or keep making the same mistake over and over, never learning the lesson.
What relationship lesson have you learned as a grownup?
I am learning one of my greatest lessons which is give the opinion when they ask for it and tread VERY lightly.....be sensitive.
I am a work in progress, but isnt progress the point. Its the journey not destination and all that. I guess I just wish more grownups were on the journey.
One lesson I have learned, is that when a person is mean, hateful, or angry toward me, I try to consider where they may be coming from. Although I may be hurt, I try (not always successful though) to figure out if there was anything I did to make the situation worse. Some people may say that I am just oblivious to a jerk. I say that I am trying to be more sensitive to what's going on in other people's lives. In other words, although it affects me, it's not always about me.