Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I won, I won, I won.....

I entered a raffle at Blah Blah Blog , she had a raffle to earn money for a car repair! With impending car repairs myself I paid the dollar raffle price and entered the contest! I figured if I planted seed money than God would bless us with the money to afford our own car repair. Over a few days I entered the raffle I think 4 times. This contest lasted a long time and I did not go check on it again, just the other day I remembered the contest! Well I won! I am the proud owner of a blog makeover by Seemydesigns.com I am so excited!!!! I was supposed to get a blog makeover from my hubbie for my birthday but Ike busted that idea! So not only did we have the dough to pay for our car repair (which was a transmission) but I won the raffle on top of it all! She got hold of me today and asked me for my ideas and already has my new header put together! Did I say I was excited!!!! So very soon in the future I will unveil a brand new blog! Yeah.

In honor of my blog look I have decided to have a give away! Leave me a comment any time between now and the unveiling and I will put you in a drawing (once for EVERY comment).
The give away is.....drum roll.
A popcorn tin from the big popper! Trust me this is a treat to be reckoned with! It is addicting! In fact if my mil is reading this blog, this prize just might possibly be reason enough for her to figure out how to leave a comment! (hint)


  1. Congrats on the win!
    Oh my blog, you left a comment about Einstein and the suitcase download... well, I actually did download it a few days ago :-), and I just thought it was so-so. I don't know if we'll even try it. Just wanted to let you know in case you are thinking of trying it out yourself! If you have any more questions, you can email me. - Dana

  2. You are like..famous! I've never met anyone who has won a blog contest. Congrats!

    OK--show me the popcorn!

  3. Many congrats.

    And, is that cinnamon popcorn? ick.

    Sorry, I also don't like Kettle corn. I know, it's because I'm from up north.

  4. I promise I read your other post and commented there before I read about your giveaway. I didn't comment just to try to win! Ha!
    I've won two giveaways so far in my bloggy life - it's SO much fun!

    And thank you for your comment on the Highway blog - your words are an encouragement to me, knowing other moms in my shoes are working hard at finding peace right along with me really helps.

    Peace to you TODAY! :)

  5. Very cool new look! Im not so much into the popcorn, but I lurve the makeover!!! see, now i know what to put on my christmas list, thats a great idea for the hubby!
