Wednesday, December 10, 2008

News, News Read All About It...

Okay do you watch the new??? I do. Every morning and sometimes evening. Sometimes I learn interesting facts, sometimes I am just caught up on current events, sometimes issues intrigue me and I dig deeper on the internet to find out more about said subject. Do you do this? Are interested about this big world around you?

Do you care that the govenor of Illinois just got arrested becasue of his involvement in a bribary (it is worse than that word but I will use it for now) of people while attempting to replace Obama's senate postition. Do you care that it is 33 degrees today in Houston, Texas and we have winter mix on the weather report! We never get winter mix! Do you care that there are Habitat for Humanity homes in La Porte? I actually did not konw that... Do you care that two boys and a girl had s*x in a classroom in Florida with a teacher and other students present? Do you care that Nicole Kidman is basically retiring from acting (although I wonder how long that will last)... do you care what the hottest gadget at Christmas is?

Okay, so those are a lot of mixed issues, each and everyone of them was on Fox News in a twenty minutes span with commercials. How is that possible? There were other things covered too! How can we be informed if we get that much news in less than 20 minutes? Did you like how I glazed over the teen s*x thing... I was planning to come back to it and remind all you readers why my children DONT ATTEND SCHOOL????
Okay off soap box... back to being informed. How can we really know what all is going on in the world? I mean I watch new daily! I am still so uninformed it is scary! But I know people who NEVER watch the news. I just wonder how small their world is? Do they like it that way? Are they just not interested or do they feel safer just not knowing?

If you are an average person, slightly informed of the worlds goings on... do you think it is enough? Does anybody read a newspaper anymore? Do we trust what we hear or read??? I hear something and if it intrigues me I find out more about it... I am a digger! But do you just trust what you hear the first time you hear it? So many questions, I know!!! But I guess I am just curious by nature... case you did care about the hottest Christmas gadget, it was a cell phone. I dont think that is very fresh or new? Do you?


  1. I would like to watch the news... but it makes me a little crazy add, in that "I don't know why you think I have ADD.....OH LOOK ITS A CHICKEN!!!!!....what was I saying....?

    Oh its too much info for me to digest all at one sitting.

    HOWEVER, the big news is.... IT SNOWED!!!!!!!! Oh look, there's a chicken....

  2. I do watch the news-well try to! But I did not know some of what you blogged about. The s*x thing blows my mind. What was this teacher doing? Wow. So glad I am homeschooling.

  3. I don't usually watch the news because If I turn on the tv it will be taken hostage by the kids. Better to just keep it off. But, I don't feel like I need to know the news. If it's big enough news, it will be on the radio or it will be on the news for a few days in a row, when I finally get around to checking it out.

    However I do like to listen to NPR news on the radio. Also I like to get little tidbits more than I like hearing big headlines. Like the post I wrote the other day about the cow fart tax. I heard that on NPR. THat was so funny Ihad to blog about it!

  4. I actually don't watch the news, either. Nothing local is objective, and we don't have cable/satellite. I usually check a local news website every morning for a quick look at the headlines, and if something huge happens, it comes to me by email or from my husband. I actually don't mind watching the news because it's just too much information for me that I would rather not know.

    Oh, and yeah. Add that s*x story to my list of a thousand reasons why we are homeschooling.
