Friday, December 26, 2008

This envelope holds something that is really weighing me down...

I have written something in this envelope that is really weighing me down.

It is keeping me from joy.
It is keeping me from life.
It is keeping me from serving.
It is keeping me from being me.
It is keeping me from so many things.

I am tired of it. I am so tired of it that I have decided to get rid of it. I. am. tired.

Now you might wonder what I will do to get rid of this weight...

I will pray,
I will act,
I will fight,
I will change,
I will do so many things.

Check back in a while and see if I am making progress with my change. I am sure that I will eventually share this burden but for now I must keep it closed up inside because it is my trial and I have to face it alone. I will covet prayers because it will be hard and it will take a long time. But others have come before me and others will follow behind me.



  1. God's Blessings to you on your journey. You'll be in my prayers!

  2. I think that you are very brave to deal with your envelope. We all have envelopes, but aren't always brave enough to face them. If there is ever anything I can do, support I can lend, let me know.

  3. Well, whatever it is...I know it's not bigger than God!

    I'm praying!
