Well I conversed on the phone yesterday with my sister who lives in Indianapolis, In and she gave the me the good news...
She has joined the others of billions on the planet who have internet! She has not had internet except for possibly the library and I am so excited for her to be on the internet at home! I am just not a phone talker and I have to print out and mail her my blog if I want her to read it! AKKK. So now we can converse through email and I will eventually convince her to join the blogger world- my other sister abstains completely and rarely even reads mine! (If you are reading this Amy-thanks!)
I am just so excited!
So Kristal, today you are officially welcome to the world of blogging. I shall convince you to start your own blog shortly- as soon as you get used to everything!
The instruction are go to blogger.com, start blog, you must think of an awesome name first! Than you start blogging! IT is awesome, as all the millions of bloggy women out there will agree!
Now instruction on how to comment on MY blog. At the bottom of this post will be comments, you click on it and than you fill out the comment box and sign in with a google account (which you will have to set up-email me if you need help!!!)
Why, because I simply love comments!
Okay so after you read this post and comment please be sure and show the kids a picture of their FAVORITE Aunt Carrie and tell them I love them!
Hi Carrie You and dh have awesome kids!