Monday, December 22, 2008

Update on Christmas goals!

Okay, so I have been questioned by two people about whether or not I met the goals I had previously laid out for myself. I am sad to say that I did not meet all my goals, but I did accomplish more than I had by this time last year!

So my goals were:

have everything wrapped by December 18--- Not done by the 18the but was 98% done tonight! Yeah!

I have everything grocery shopped for--- hubbie is going in the morning for the last minute things!

I did choose items that I needed to bring carefully and I have gotten them except for one pie which hubbie is getting tommorow!

I messed up on the kids outfit but I had forgotten I needed them Sunday night! So they are at the dry cleaners ad will be picked up tommorow at 4:00--- I shall not forget!

I did budget for Christmas lunch but I doubt we will eat out as I have plenty of meals handy here at home!

I did tone down some ideas I had for Christmas Eve. It will be a fairly easy meal and than for dessert we will only have a birthday cake because Deanna's boyfriend's birthday is the 25 and I think everyone deserves a birthday party!

I have not done a fun activity every day but we have done quite a few and I have more planned for this week with Daddy home!

So here is the update on the goals... I still didnt do as well as I wanted but it is better than last year and I have no last minute gifts to get so that is awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Can I be you when I grow up? (yeah. like THATS going to happen, I may never grow up). But you are SO organized!! I have nothing wrapped, and I am trying to convince myself that maybe the wrapping isn't so important......its not working. Argh, you did AWESOME!
