Okay, dont know if anyone will respond or want to pick up this tag but if you do here goes...
This is 10 Interesting Things About Yourself Meme...
1. Who is the person you you most want to meet at this time of your life?
This is 10 Interesting Things About Yourself Meme...
1. Who is the person you you most want to meet at this time of your life?
I probably think the person I would like to meet the most is Michelle Dugger. I know that sounds weird but I think if I would meet her than I would really get a feel for who she is. I see her on TV and I read their book but I just want to sit down and talk with them! I know that is silly!
2. Where in the world would you most like to visit?
I know this is what everyone says but, for me it's true I want to see everything. I might have some place listed higher than others but I still want to see the other places!
On the top of my list would probably be...Paris, Rome, London. I want to see specifically the pyramids in Egypt, the Cliffs of Dover, Ã…kershus Castle in Norway, Victoria Falls in Africa
okay this could go on for a while! Oh I want to go to Alaska!
3. What has been the most life-changing experience you've ever had?
The birth of Kaitlin. I grew up.
4. What is the most spontaneous thing you've you ever done?
wow, thinking! I am not very spontaneous because I love planning! So I guess the most spontaneous thing I have ever done is...I really cant think of one. If you know me IRL please let me know something I have done!
5. Who's had the biggest influence on your life?
Well lots of people have influenced me in how I live and the choices I make
but if I break it down to what their influence would bring about in my life it would be
Joanie- who showed me home schooling as a lifestyle
Margie- who told me saving my self did not just include the act of sex.
Because of these two women's influence I home school and my husband
is the first and only boy I ever kissed!
6. What thing that you haven't yet done would you most like to do? (in no particular order)
pay off all debt
buy an RV
lost my weight
become more organized
have a stronger relationship with God
7. What is the best quality about yourself?
I think that I usually try to be kind, I try to be loyal, I try to think of others. People might tell you different qualities that they see in me? I also try to be honest.
8. From which person have you learned most in your life?
Probably my mom. I dont have to go far these days but I always have question for her. How do you do this? What do you think about? Hey what do you do when....
9. What historical figure do you most identify with?
I have NO idea.
10. What kind of music do you like?
MOST kinds, it would be easier to say what music I dont like.
which is rap, jazz and blues
Very cool. Glad to hear it all. You're one interesting gal!