Friday, January 2, 2009

Fitness Friday...

Add or Subtract.

Brenda has given us an assignment for Fitness Friday! It is Add and Subtract.

I have given this thought this whole week. I thought what do I want to add and subtract in my life. What will make me a better person, a better wife, a better mother, a better teacher, a better women. Well since it is Fitness Friday obviously I want to subtract the pounds and add new clothes to my wardrobe. But that is like the cop out answer, the easy out!

This year is all about being real with myself and my aspirations...

I want to add willpower- which will allow me to subtract the pounds!
I want to add wisdom- which will allow me to subtract bad choices!
I want to add peace- which will subtract all the stress eating!
I want to add real foods- which will allow me to subtract the bad foods!
I want to add God- who will allow me to subtract all the fear and anxiety!


  1. This is a very nice thought out answer! Well done. I may join fitness Friday...I really need to take better care of my "temple" so I can live a better life...
    We'll thing at a time I guess.

  2. Amen and amen, sista! I especially like the last add: God. You know, when He is in the center, everything else falls into place, huh?

    Loved your answers, Carrie! Happy New Year, and I look forward to seeing all the progress you will make this year!!

  3. 2009 will be an awesome year,.. and am right there with you in the anxiety factor!

  4. Very good answers! Your Twin commenting first on your blog freaks me out! :)That is still so funny to me.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Love how the intangible sowing translates into physical reaping!

  6. I love the relationship between your math.

    You are so right: if we would just remember that God is the center of all transactions, we would find the wisdom, peace, and faith to get the job done.

    Blessings in the new year!

  7. Great answers! Way to get to the root of things.
