Friday, January 23, 2009

Fitness Friday

Okay so Brenda at The Family Revised gave us our assignment.


I have goals.

I have plenty of them.

I have big goals.

I have small goals.

I have unattainable goals.

I have detailed goals.

I have goals!

My problem is rarely making a goal! My problem is keeping it! I just dont usually manage to accomplish my goals. Now this is not me whining... this is just keeping it real!

goal- drink water
goal- lose weight
goal- eat healthy and sensibly in order to accomplish goal 2 and be healthy
goal- be careful with finances
goal- be careful with time
goal- travel
goal- read good books

Now these are some of my present goals, not all of them just a few!

Let's break it down...

Drink water- supposedly I need to drink an ounce for every pound. That's a lotta water ladies! I wont even tell you how many! But that a lot!!! I probably at the most drink about 10 cups (80 oz) I will work on this! I promise to up today to at least 13 cups!!!

lose weight- well I am losing a teeny, tiny, itty, bitty bit! But I am also NOT gaining so there you have it! I will watch my portions and my choices. I know the drill!

Eat healthy- I am cooking at home mostly which helps that some, I an incorporating some more veggies into the kids meals and trying really hard at this. It is a process!

Be careful with the money- we are totally meeting this one. Not perfectly but we are doing really well! We are paying off debt right now! FUN! Also we are saving for various situation coming up!

Be careful with my time- I am working on this... It is hard when things are already set in stone, but I am working on it and making the changes I can. One of those things is outside activities... we are getting better and I am staying home more!

Travel- this is important and we will do a little bit this year but right now travel money is mostly going toward debt! WE will travel later!!!

Read good books- I have a list of books I want to read this year. I will post it when it is complete. I am going to my first Adult Book Club club on Sunday night, I am very excited. I have never gone to one!


  1. Lol, I always have goals too. That is not my problem, either! It's keeping them!

    I like all your goals, but especially the read good books one. If I am careful with my time (another goal of yours I need to take as my own), I would have time to read good books.

    So excited you are losing and not gaining! Way to go, Carrie!

  2. What a fabulous list! Aren't these the goals of us all?? I know they could be mine!

    I too struggle with getting enough water and making time to exercise priorities. Life can get so daily sometimes, right??

    Great job on losing this week! Every teeny-weeny bit counts!!

  3. I think you are doing really well. It takes me a long time of "mulling over" or having a goal before I can implement it and then a lot longer to claim success. I admire you for sticking to it and for being so open and "real" during the struggle. So many times people only reveal the end result, which can lead the rest of us regular people feeling awfully inadequate. I think its bold of you, and helpful to share the difficult times as well.

  4. Great goals, Carrie. I especially like that you are forgoing the travel to pay down debt. Such a wise thing to do. Many people wouldn't have the discipline.


    Did we not just have this conversation at book club last week? I always mess up and say that "Steve and I would like to watch an adult movie for a change." Of course, I mean GROWN UP--NOT adult! :0

    Excellent goals. You are so good about cooking and SO good about money. It makes me know I can do it too.

  6. Thanks for sharing that part of your goals list with us. And I would agree with others that even a tiny bit of weight loss is worth celebrating!

  7. Great goals and great ideas. I love the idea of fitness friday. I guess this is that time of the year for all of us to do the weight thing. Great blog.

  8. Love your post. Sounds like you're doing a good job. And I totally relate to what you said in the beginning about setting the goals not being the problem. LOL

  9. I had to laugh at the Adult book comment.. (vs grown up books). My son was telling someone today that they watched a kiddie movie while we watched an adult movie. I'm sure they thought we were watching the unspeakable, but I promise, we were watching FIREPROOF!

    Good luck on the goals! We joined a gym.. haven't been this last week due to my hubby working nights, but otherwise, I've kept up with my goal to go regularly and get fit!

    I have no problem drinking water.. I love to suck on ice.. and drink a lot of water. I always have to pee because of this! (Which is why people always ask if I'm pregnant since I always seem to have to go!)
