Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Possibility vs. Reality

We all see possibilities in life...

Possibilities of a better relationship
Possibilities of a better financial situation
Possibilities of a new baby
Possibilities of a vacation, or new car

Than reality hits!

The possibility of a better relationship is stifled because one spouse is working on the relationship and one isnt (I dont mean you dear hubbie)
The possibility of a better financial situation is ruined because of a loss of income or a job change, higher insurance or doctor bills.
The possibility of a new baby is taken away for health reasons.
The possibility of a vacation or new car is put on hold for LIFE's bills.

This is the same for everyone... I mean it might seem like someone has it all, a better financial situation, a vacation to Disney and a new car, but their relationship is bad. Or someone might have a great relationship but not a baby. Or someone might buy a new car but than lose a good financial situation!

We ALL have trials! We all have reality to live with!

We are currently looking for a new house, well not new just different! We are wanting to rent and of course need "x" amount of square footage to fit our family of 5! We want to be in a certain area of town and have a particular budget. You know the drill. A nice house, that is big enough that you can afford!

Well in steps all of our possibilities!

A house that has square footage vs. location.
Or a house that has price vs. square footage.
Or a house that has a locations vs. price!

IT moves the rent house from possibility to reality. WE cant have it all. WE have to compromise. WE have to accept reality.

I want everyone to get what they need in life... I want people to live blessed lives and be joyful and at peace. But what is it that gives them joy and peace?

A house.
A relationship
A job.
A vacation.
A location.


It is God.

As we drive around looking for our possibilities... we in reality want what God has for us, and that is what Dave and I are striving for. That is what we are praying for. Literally driving through neighborhoods praying that God will show us the house HE has for us!

What in your life is a possibility but what in reality does GOD want for you?

Carrie in Texas

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