Saturday, August 8, 2009

Today was a good day...

Do you generally feel you have more good days or bad days? I think I am just a pretty pessimistic person because I think I have more bad days. But I think they are bad based on my on standard... they might be great days compared to someone else, right!

So my new favorite thought:

Being thankful is an emotion.
Giving thanks is an act of will.

All too often during the day I find myself thankful that such and such happened OR DIDNT HAPPEN! But rarely do I start the day Giving Thanks!

I read the biography of Amy Grant called Mosaics, and she said almost every morning she would wake up and say to the world,

"This is the day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."

I want that. I want the kids to have that kind of mom. A mom who gives thanks, not just a mom who is thankful. I have good days ALL the time. My kids are healthy. My kids are smart. My kids are fairly obedient- they have their moments. My family has a home, electricity, food, cable! My husband has a job. My car is working.

So many things to Give thanks for, not just to be thankful that I got through another BAD day. Give thanks FOR THE DAY. I will rejoice and be glad in it...

I am planning the school year. I am Giving thanks that I am able to home school. I am Giving thanks that our finances allow me to stay home with our children. I am Giving thanks that as parents we both agree that home schooling is an absolute for our family, without equivocation! I am Giving thanks that on Monday morning I get to wake up and sit across the table from my children and educate them, to teach them our world view and to teach them truth. I am Giving thanks for my immediate family... sisters, brothers, moms, dads, grandparents- all of whom support my family in this journey!

My day could really be bad, but it isnt.

My days are all good... I just have to look at it a different way,

by giving thanks, every day.

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