Friday, January 22, 2010


So does anyone else have a problem with this? Am I the only one? Probably not but I do know that I have a HUGE problem with this. Part of my issue has to do with my anxiety level... the more I get anxious or worried the more likely I will quickly lose what lose grip I already have on my tongue! Not good, right! So anyway, I printed out this pretty little picture and I am posting it in my schooling area so that hopefully I can see it and think before I speak.. or yell whatever the case may be! I will let you know how it goes!


  1. No you are not the ONLY one. Don't believe that for a moment. I have let myself believe that to, but that is what the devil wants us to believe. We just have to start new each time and ask for forgiveness. I read a book (A Meek and Quiet Spirit by the Maxwell's) and Teri Maxwell says that she would confess her sin to God and the ones she offended and ask forgiveness from God and the ones she had offended. Hard stuff!... but Biblically grounded. I had to do it recently myself... probably need to do it daily or hourly, too! ;)

  2. The author of has written an excellent article. You have made your point and there is not much to argue about. It is like the following universal truth that you can not argue with: It’s virtually impossible not to know somebody who plays the guitar Thanks for the info.
