So I read this article on "What a SAHM should get paid... if she did get paid." Now this number is from 2006 so I am sure that it would be higher now! This is also for a stay at home mom raising ONE 5 year old boy. So of course most of us have more than one child and I believe adding in teaching (if you are homeschoolers) is important too. But anyway, the number is
$134,000.00 a year
Photo credit... RoqueMOM
That is the low ball estimate! That is how the two working parents (the working moms and dads with actual careers) afford the house, two nice cars and Disney World! I mean we have been to Disney World and I can afford to take my kids on vacation but it is a calculated effort to save towards it and that take sacrifice on my part.
The article answered questions about how do sahm help the economy grow, and the author pointed out that they are growing the future economy by raising responsible adults and that they help grow the economy now by shopping, paying for dance lessons and camps etc. Also that mothers are huge consumers which also grows the economy.
Photo credit... The Mint
The article said that an average stay at home mom worked 91.5 hours a week and slept and average of 6.2 hours a night.
Funny how our society only values what it can put a $ figure on...