Well since I have been doing school how I want to do school for the most part that means I have something to update! Wow what a concept! So here goes...
Math U See- doing very well, I am liking the progression and feeling good about this program
English- she is doing Writing with Ease (susan wise bauer), a spelling program I got online that I really like for right now. re doing First Language Lessons with the other two, another Writing program that is very, very simple.
Reading- well she just reads! We have assigned a few books specifically and I am having her doing vocab and comprehension. We will start book reports in a while just mostly for fun because she thinks it is fun.
History- we finished up Native Americans and are going back in time a little to hit some stuff we missed before we being American History. I want them to know where our History comes from. So changing my plan for the zillionth (spell that) time but it is okay I feel like I have a plan!
Science- we are doing Aplogia Zoology 3. We are going a little slowly but the kids are learning a lot! It is hanging pegs for when we go again in a few years and I think they are doing awesome!
Typing- she has started up her typing lessons again
Bible- she has read thru The Christians Guide to becoming a Woman. We are doing the Fruit of the Spirit and character traits right now... We are on Gratitude. I plan on picking up another devotion type study book for her. She generally reads a chapter and we discuss or implement. I am looking at several but want to make sure my timing is right for some of them. Anyway, still pondering that.
Book club: We are doing My Side of the Mountain! very fun!
We are currently also trying to finish up Pilgrims Progress we got to a point and stopped and I want to finish the book.
Math- of course Math U See... loving it!
Reading- I have a reading list for Matt, he just finished up Rabbit Hill and we did vocab.
English- we are doing first language lessons, Explode the code, handwriting (Reason for handwriting) Writing with Ease
History and Science is the same as Kaitlin
Bible is the same for the most part. He is doing scripture work with his handwriting. We are doing the Fruits of the Spirit and working on Gratitude. I want to find him a devotion book and have looked at two. Still deciding. I had hoped to have all my book decisions figured out so I could buy them after the first but we will see. Oh He is also reading between 3 and 5 chapters a day in the Bible.
Book club- My Side of the Mountain. Yesterday he saw mussels on the Food Network and got excited because Sam had eaten mussels on one of his first days on the mountain.
We are also working a lot of his Webelos badges and Arrow of Light Award.
Math- math U see. She is doing really great. I am soooo happy with this program! We need to get her addition facts down better but feel she is doing pretty well.
Reading- Brenda at the Family Revised is going to do a little testing to see what level she is really reading on so I will know what to work on. I am very excited to have a PROFESSIONAL tell me! Thanks Brenda!!!! We are doing Learning Language arts thru Literature. I am pretty happy with the program. It annoys me a little because you have to get out the blue card, card 1-3 and an orange card.. Seems so teachery! But I am trying to stick with it!
We are also going thru a book list with her. It is HUGE but I plan to hit all the ones that are still in print!!! Anybody ever seen a copy of Alligator Case? She is also doing some lap books with her friend Mary Faith, we have done Time, How to Make and Apple Pie and See the World and we are doing Barbie and the Three Musketeers next week. After that it is the Velveteen Rabbit.
English- she is doing FFL, Explode the code, phonics flashcards and handwriting.
History and Science is the same for Emily as well
Bible- Same as the others. I got out my kids Bible on CD the other day and I think I am going to put it on her Ipod so she can go spend 10-15 a day listening to it. We are doing Old Testament bible stories, just hitting the basics and we have a video of some of the stories and the rest are on tape- it is Eyewitness News from Focus on the Family. It is part of the Adventures in Odyssey series. I also have printed out color sheets from each bible story for her so she is making a notebook and has copy work for the title of the story on each page.
Book club- Emily sometimes does book club with us and sometimes not, she occasionally does a special activity with Brenda at Book club, just the younger girls so that is awesome! She really enjoyed Wednesdays!
Wow I know that was totally boring for some of you but it was refreshing to me to just put down on paper all that we are doing!!!!
Hey, what book list are you working through with Emily? Can I have it? I LOVE book lists!!!