Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Good Times and Fat Tuesday!

Okay, so i didnt get around to posting, but I have a good excuse I had 5 kid does! Becky and Joel came over early on Monday and dropped off the kids. It actually went pretty well. We got school, some of it at least, done in the morning. Dave and I each had appointments for the eye doctor. Dave took the boys to go shooting. We had Financial Peace University last night. It was a busy day but went well!

So onto more important things.. have you heard about Kevin Smith. He is an actor/ director. He got kicked off an airplane for being too fat. He fit in the seat, could buckle with the belt, and could put the arm rest down. Now I am all fine with them charging for two seats, but if you can fit in your seat with the arms down.. where is the line! I understand I am fat and guess what I DONT FLY. But really, my husband who is also overweight, but more than that he is a big fellow. I mean even if he wasnt over weight he would simply be big. He has huge shoulders. SO what is the line, truly?

I mean personally I feel the seats are just simply too small. If they KNOW most of Americans are obese.. I mean even Michele Obama is saying her KIDS are overweight! The girls BMI shows them overweight! So everyone is simply fat. SO MAKE BIGGER SEATS! Seriously! The airplane doesnt have to change anything to make a guest more comfortable...we keep letting this happen. I am all for business do what you want. PERIOD, I am not for ANY government regulation practically anyway. But if business wants to grow then they should have customer service. Does ANYbody remember that? If Americans are all becoming fat, than the airline should made bigger seats but the reason they dont is because us fatty, fat, fatsoes simply PAY FOR TWO SEATS. We do it to our self.

Do you remember the first time you "paid way to much for a snack at the movie theater"? You knew it the first time you did and lo and behold the prices kept going up and up and up but what did American do? did we protest and stop buying the snacks until they lowered the price??? NO we kept paying the exhorbiant prices for the ridiculous snacks! We do it to our self!

If we would decide to not let the company gouge us... then maybe the company would realize that tehy need to please the consumers! But NO we do it to our self!

I am on the edge of the whole fat thing on the plane, I see the reasoning that others shouldnt be allowed to "enter" our space in our seat because they are too fat. but what about a stinky person, or the lady with too much perfume, or the person you KNOW is doing "stuff" in the bathroom, or the one who is cussing, or the one who is simply loud or has a stupid laugh the whole flight, or the one who has a COLD! What is the line! Where do we draw it? Perhaps we are wrong to allow the airport to decide for us? I mean it is their airline and they can absolutely decide but if we stop using the airline maybe they will start asking What do you need?

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