The other day we were sitting at dinner and I think it was after the earthquake in Chile, we were letting the kids know what had happened and asking for them to add Chile to their prayers... I dont know how this conversation got started but we started talking about their futures and why it is important to pray for the wife/ husband that God has for you now. So during the prayer, Matt prayed for his future wife. It was a sweet prayer time and we have had many conversations about it since. So anyway, when I heard this song I just could not help crying! I told the kids what the song was about and we listened to it again.
We must, must, must pray for the spouses God has for them. I so wish I was a better wife. I KNOW that I want my children to be better husbands/ wifes. I KNOW that I want to teach and train and not have them living Dave and my mistakes or my parents and Daves parents mistakes. I want more for them. I want better for them. Dont all parents want that! Well we simply cannot leave it up to fate. I know that our children can grow and and not do what we think is right, I know that they make a choice to marry a person that God did not design for them, I know that they can CHOOSE to not live in Gods perfect will. I am not oblivious to that. But the other day someone told me, you have ZERO control over what your kids do. I believe it is true that we have ZERO control because we are humans and we have the power to choose. BUT I do not think that means we do not do EVERYTHING in our power to give them every chance available to them.
I think people get to wrapped up in education. I mean you worry about grades, you make sure to save money for college, you get them into programs so that their trascripts look good. I think it is BUNK and a trap from the devil himself! Sounds harsh but it is true. What on Earth should be more important than their sprirtual walk, their character, Gods will for them? Yes if it is God will for them to be a doctor- watch the grades, save for college. But if that is not God will???? Why all this pressure?
If you have money and they want to go a mission trip... what is going to be "worth" more in the spiritual/ eternal sense? college savings or mission trip?
If you have a child who dances or plays baseball? If God is calling them to do that than I guess fine but if not is it more important than a church class on Wednesday nights???
If you have time for your kids to be in 5 different after school activities so that they are well rounded individuals... do you have time to train their character???
If education is the point.. why am I bothering to take them to church?
EDUCATION IS NOT THE POINT.... There are important points to education. But God is the point!
I digress!
Back to spouses. Back to zero power. I want to give my children every available opportunity but those opportunities do not nessesarily revolve around a high school transcript, I want to give them every available opportunity so that they can find Gods will for their live. The opportunities include, but are not limited to: Biblical foundation, biblical foundation, and opportunities to serve people.
Wouldnt you rather have that person for a husband/ wife for your child than a person who has only pursued the worlds agenda- not meaning being worldly but getting into the right college etc, but had no time for the other training?
We pray that they will not open their hearts to love before it is Gods time.
We pray that they will seek first GODs will not and not be moved by the heart.
Today I got an email that was connected with a LOVE DARE and it said
"The world says to follow your heart, but if you are not leading it, then someone or something else it. the Bible says that "the heart is more deceitfull than all else. (Jer 17:9) and it will always pursue that which feels right at the moment.
We pray that God will be leading their hearts so that they are not moved by untrue perfect looking love,
the worlds viewpoint, the world agenda and their own desires.
We pray that God will show them in His own time what His perfect will for their life is.
We pray that God will send people into the paths of our children that are there for his purpose and not there to be a deterrant to God goal.
We pray that if activities or time spent is not productive to these means that we will know it is time to stop.
We pray that we come across activities that are productive to these means.
We pray that friends will cross our childens path that do not hinder but that serve to purpose in their hearts GOODNESS.
We pray that friends who cross our childrens path that will become a hinderance later in life that they turn from those wicked ways and find their way back to the narrow path.
We pray for the parents of our childrens friends that they might see the Truth and turn to guide their children in it so that we can all encourage and lift each other in building a family and children after God own heart.
Now folks that is a lot of praying... who has time for OPRAH!
Wayne Watson- Somewhere in the World Today
Somewhere in the world today
A little girl will go out to play
All dressed up in mama's clothes
At least the way that I suppose it goes
Somewhere in the world tonight
Before she reaches to turn out the light
She'll be prayin' from a tender heart
A simple prayer that's a work of art
And I don't even know her name
But I'm prayin' for her just the same
That the Lord will write His name upon her heart
'Cause somewhere in the course of this life
A little boy will need a godly wife
So hold on to Jesus, baby, wherever you are
Somewhere in the world out there
That little girl's learnin' how to care
She's pickin' up her mamas charms
Or maybe, swingin' 'round in her daddy's arms
Somewhere in the world to be
Though the future's not real clear to me
Their's could be a tender love
Grounded in eternal love above
Repeat Chorus