Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Because I need my blood pressure to remain in the normal ranges.

Because I have spent way, way, way too much time and energy discussing this already.

Because I want my blog to be mostly about happy times.

Because I said so..........

I am not going to discuss the healthcare bill.. or as I like to call it,

"The death of liberty..............."

Yes, I know you are thanking me!

Yes, I know you might have purposely NOT read my blog yesterday or today simply to MISS this post!

Yes, I plenty more to say but I am stuffing it down FOR YOU, my dear readers!

So onto my real post... arent ya happy!

I am disturbed by the sudden appearance of a sullen 9 year old boy. Yes, I used the word sullen. Matt has always been stubborn. He has an issue with getting angry- really angry. He can be almost downright mean sometimes becasue of his angry stubborn ways! BUT this, this child is not someone I recognize.

I am not happy about this...(almost as not happy as I am about this healthcare bill--oh wait, we arent discussing that are we?)

I understand preteen... hormones... puberty.


Definition of sullen:

a glum, hopeless shrug
having a brooding ill temper
sullen manner
a moody, resentful disposition

This is not fun to be around.

So we are obviously working on attitude adjustments around here!

A lot of the attitude happens at meal time. HE does not want to eat certain things. Give him pizza and he is happy as a lark- sweet, kind, helpful, generous. Give him a veggie and he is mean, ugly, sullen, unkind.

When did food have the power to change a person's attitude. Oh wait. Hmmmm.. I think maybe this is a generational thing because I expect food to change my attitude. I am happy when I eat things I like. I am upset when a food order comes out wrong.

So I guess this is food for thought?


  1. interesting! my son starts asking around 3pm what dinner is going to be...because he will be obsessively trying to figure out if it is something he will like. "What kind of chicken?" "Will it have vegetables?" What kind of vegetables..etc.
    his crying used to start before he even got in his seat and wouldn't end until MANY minutes after dinner was over and cleared. He still does it occassionally...but giving him the afternoon to adjust to the idea and discuss what will happen if there is a fit... that has helped.
    One time he was served broccoli casserole for three days straight.. until he finally ate one bite. ha ha.
    but guess who ate a hamburger tonight with no complaints? slow slow progress.

  2. He is too young for horomones.

    I vote for manipulation by making mommy feel sorry for me and see how sad these vegetables make me and how can they possibly go on treating me this way when they see how sad it makes me.

    Is that a possibility? I don't know Matt that well. There's been plenty of sunshine so it' can't be that.

  3. @Carrie- I think maybe giving him the meal could potentially help but I also truly envision him simply being sullen about it all day!

    @ Brenda--nope not manipulation. He truly does not like the food. I mean a lot of things literally make him gag and throw up. A lot of it is textures. He will try many things, sometimes even with a good attitude. It is not a if you loved me you wouldnt make me it them. It is a stubborn I will not eat them---- the sullenness comes in when he sits down or when he hears what we are having. His attitude completly changes. He shuts down and is well sullen. He doesnt say anything.. it is just the change in attitude.
