Okay... I am a home school mom who doesnt mind all the work. I dont mind teaching three kids, I dont mind lesson plans, I dont mind any of it! I dont try to get out of doing any work, I simply do what I need to do. I am not always timely, and I mess stuff up but at least I DO!
All that to say this: when I bought Math U See ( and btw I have no issue with Math U See, I actually love the program, this is a ME problem) I thought cool, now I dont have to teach math.
I pop in the kids DVD and Mr. Demme himself will teach my kids math.
Those are the things I though I would need to do for math.
DONT ASK ME WHY I THOUGHT THIS... I cannot at this moment explain it. I cannot at this moment tell you what went through my brain!
SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... needless to say I am now teaching math.
Wow what a novel concept!
The kids are really doing fine... we arent having problems but I simply did not think I needed to teach them. I thought Mr. Demme did it all! I graded their stuff, I did some tests. I know basically what concept they were being taught but that it is it. NOW I am intimately familiar with all that Math U See has to offer...
like lesson plans for the teacher!
Oh and teaching tips for the teacher!
BTW............... just a little note about dry erase boards and markers. They are my best friend! I love them. They are great!
Well, when we first started I had dropped her down to such a low level to pick up some memorization she had never done that I truly did not need to teach her. Then we switched books and I had to get more involved.