Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Not heartbreak but something akin...

I learned some news last night that is so close to heartbreak that I don't know if it is or not. I feel sad, I feel helpless and I feel disappointed.

How can you be so angry at a persons actions and choices but yet love them so much it hurts that they are hurting?

People are human... I get that.

People make bad choices... I get that.

But why people make some of the choices they make astounds me.

My heart is so confused.

My heart is so overwhelmed.

My heart is so sad.

My heart is well I guess it is broken a little.

But I have hope.

I. Have. Hope.

Is that an end stop if you ever knew one.

I. Have. Hope.

I know this situation CAN be turned around. I know the choices can change. I know the heartbreak will mend.

Here are the verses I am standing on right now: 

Being punished isn’t enjoyable while it is happening -- it hurts! But afterwards we can see the result, a quiet growth in grace and character.
                                                                                                                              Hebrews 12: 11

And we will never stop thanking God for this: that when we preached to you, you didn’t think of the words we spoke as being just our own, but you accepted what we said as the very Word of God -- which, of course, it was -- and it changed your lives when you believed it.

                                                                                                                        1 Thessalonians 2: 13

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from you own experience how his ways will really satisfy you.
                                                                                                                                 Romans 12: 2

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