Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wrapping up

A lot of people are writing blog posts about wrapping up the school year...but we dont wrap up the school year, we school all year long. We dont take 3 weeks here or three weeks there, we just keep going. We do however inadvertantly take a lot of days off! But we are always learning! I dont think of school time as a part of my day... we school all day long! I am teaching math and history and english and science but I am also teaching character and training them in so many different areas! I like to think of ALL of that as my schooling. I have friends who put their school books away and they are done! In our household we decided to make homeschooling our lifestyle.

Ways that it is our lifestyle...

what we are studying is hopefully intergrated into our everyday life. The books we read, the movies we watch the family activities we choose to do... these all revolve largely around what we are studying.

Our Bible, memorization, scriptures, etc revolve around what my children are currently dealing with. We dont just use a curriculum to get though it. We try to intergrate it into our daily lifes. If my kids arent being loveing... we start memorizing verses about being loving. When my kids were having trouble being attentive, we used that for our Character trait.
If we have trouble with lying... we read a Bible story that teaches a lesson about that. I can change and manipulate my curriculum to what is happening in each of my kids lives.

I find this an amazing blessing. There are those people who say..."Oh I could never home school like you do.. I dont have the discipline." but if they only understood that it isnt about SCHOOL. It isnt about book learing anyway! It is about so much more!

It is such an amazing, amazing blessing and opportunity! I am so thankful to God and my husband and even my family that home schooling is available to our family! I am so thankful to the men and women in Texas who have fought and contiue to fight for our rights here in this great state! I will forever fight for this right. I will do whatever I am called upon to do, in order that I can continue to homeschool my children in the way my hubbie, I and God decide!

For my and my household... home schooling isnt a decision we made having to do with my kids education. It is a lifestyle we have chosen.

I am making changes in our schedule that will allow me to live out this lifestyle! I am excited about this... so I guess our wrap up of the year is that as the end of the "school" year comes up and activities come to an end we will not be back next "year". We will no longer be participating in American Heritage Girls- although it is a wonderful program. I will be narrowing my participation in our local home schooling group... we will still be involved but just LESS. We will even more carefully pick and choose our field trip and outside involvements... so that we will have plenty of time at home and doing what we need to do to accomplish OUR GOALS!

I will post more about our specific goals in a later post... Today we are going camping! Post about that later too!!!!!



  1. We are wrapping up our school year soon too. I guess its more of a "checking off the last of our 180 days" and sending it in than a true "end" to a year. We will have about 6 weeks off including the last part of May and June, then start up the "new year" again in July. I need that re organize and start afresh, ha ha.
    Sounds like you have a great system that works for you. I always keep Texas in the back of my mind when things are getting crazy for homeschoolers! ha ha! We may end up there one day!

  2. We did this for this past year. Looking back over this past "school year" (even though we do year round too) I was able to say, "This year was everything I wanted, everything I hoped for in our homeschool". Its hard to implement YOUR plan for your homeschool, if you are always at group events like we were.

    I hope this coming year is everything you hope for as well.

  3. Love this! We are not here, yet. But this is what I am striving for here. We even call out homeschool "Way of Life School"..... not "Way of Life Home School" because we are all obviously homes... no "Way of Life Academy" because we are not strictly academically focused... "Way of Life" because when we finally get it right it will be when our schooling is just a way of life around here and the learning will just be part of that way of life.

    [catching up on missed blog reading ;) ]
