Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lemonade Day

The kids participated in Lemonade Day Houston, it is a chance to teach kids some entrepreneurship.  We decided to participate because the kids, mostly Kate has continually tried to come up with ways to earn money to give to charities- mostly animal saving kind!  We take newspaper to the SPCA, they use them in the dogs crates.  It is our way of recycling!  We also click, to give to the SPCA, just by going to a site, but I have since stopped clicking after reading more into the website.  I do not mind helping out the local SPCA but I don't want my funds going global!  I digress...

Kate and the kids decided to give the proceeds of $16.75 cents to the SPCA here in Houston.  The kids helped me shop, measure the recipe, set up the booth and THEY sold the lemonade and clean up!  They did a pretty good job and really enjoyed it.

A lot of the information in the packet I received was very helpful as far as teaching some things.  One thing in particular I DID NOT LIKE was the use of Social Justice under the giving category.  We simply deleted that word and simply talked about charity- the Biblical sense of the word, and giving from the heart.

 My kids DO NOT participate in SOCIAL JUSTICE of any kind. 

My kids give.

My kids give from their heart.

My kids give from their heart, and of their time and with their energy.

My kids give from their heart, and of their time and with their energy and with the gifts GOD gave them.

That my friend is NOT social justice.  It is GOD and it is GODS HEART.

I  hope OBAMA is listening....

And yes that is a sign for organic lemonade... we were aware of our market at the location we choose to set up shop!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carrie,

    I'm so glad your kids enjoyed Lemonade Day and could help a worthy cause. Thank you for all your efforts in helping them participate!

    If you have photos you'd like to share, you can post them to

    And there's still time to do the best business contest.

    Have a great day!
    Lemonade Day
