Monday, May 24, 2010

Putting pen to paper...

I have so many thoughts in my head and sometimes if I am lucky I get to take them out of my head and put them on paper! But so many of them never see the light of day... do you know what I mean? I mean somethings should simply never be said out loud, and somethings might be better left unsaid, but some things that should be said are never spoken.

Heavy I know.

How often to you truly get to articulate what you are thinking? How often to you get to share your opinion? How often to you get to have a conversation? Not regular conversation but that deeper talk where you share ideas and fears and thoughts without feeling like you need to be careful what you say?

Not very often.

Today I had a thought... I cannot put it into words. I cannot write it down or explain it nor would I be able to defend it intelligently! I have to keep mulling on it.

Does that happen to you?

Why do you suppose that people have such a hard time communicating with each other? Do you suppose in the Garden of Eden before the Fall, during the time that the lion laid down with the lamb and Adam and Eve walked in the garden with God... do you suppose they had a hard time conversing?

Do you think as Eve's husband that Adam could have a conversation with her and it wasn't like --- Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus?

Do you think that it became that way after the Fall?

Do you have people in your life that you know there are certain things that you cant tell "this" person but you could tell another person, or vise versa?


Does this conversation bug you, because it sure bugs me! I want to put pen to paper or even just put words to thoughts but I cant yet.

I guess it is still pending....

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