Monday, June 21, 2010


We are continuing on to week two of our LOVE DARE CHALLENGE, but instead of blogging about our personal journey I thought I would post some things I learned at last nights class. It kicked my BOOTIE. Actually it kicked my heart or my conscience more but still there was some kickin'!

So we went through the different lessons from the book:

day 1- love is patient
day 2- love is kind
day 3- love is not selfish
day 4- love is thoughtful
day 5- love is not rude

For me the most significance result of the LOVE DARE CHALLENGE was actually that I was aware more. I mean I still said something negative, but I recognized it. I might even have made a choice to not say it. But I didn't continually justify my attitude (you know well because of the way HE acted I have the right to be mad...)
So these are probably baby steps but at least they are steps!

We talked about things in our culture that make it harder for marriages to succeed...

like the media, work, recreation, money/debt, schedules, relationships

They played the clip of the movie where Micheal is talking to the other christian at the fire station and getting positive, and uplifting advice. And how Michael talks to his dad and gets positive, uplifting and Godly advice. But the wife, surrounded by her co workers gets negative and bad advice.

We talked about what or who are the influences around us.

Positive influences would be:

Godly parents, co workers,
church friends.

Negative influence could be:

co workers, parents not living
for God, neighbors, TV


Scriptures that deal with our talk were:

John 8:44- Satan only wants evil for us!
Proverbs 1:10-15  be careful who you hang out with.  Turn away from bad influences.
Provers 27:12- a wise man discerns possible evil or bad influences, but a simpleton just goes with the flo
Ecclesiastes 4:5-7 - we don't have to spend time chasing worldly things.. they are worthless
Matthew 5:29- If we are offending others we need to stop! 
1 Corinthians 10:13- We will not be tempted more than we are able to handle
Proverbs 31- what a truly wise, Godly woman has to offer and how much influence she has.
Titus 2:2-3  Older man and woman need to continue to be good examples for younger generations.
Acts 9:31- That a true man or woman of God will do their best to be GOOD influences!
1 Corinthians 12:2- We need to be careful of what we do, it is easy to turn a hobby, habit, desire into an idol

I want to focus on two of the verses and what I got out of them personally.
I have seen this passage and studied throughout many sermons but today I saw it in a little different light.   If my getting angry at my husband or children causes my husband or children to in turn sin or lose respect for me than I am responsible for cutting that anger off.  So many times we justify our actions... the kids were horrible all day long, they simply would not listen to me, I gave them a warning, my husband promised, My husband never keeps his word, my husband doesn't think of my feelings.  If I am not dealing with my husband or children in a GODLY way that lines up with scripture than I am responsible for their actions also.  NOW I KNOW THEY ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS ALSO I am just talking about My own responsibility. 

I always thought of this verse as talking about temptations being alchohol, drugs maybe a purty woman... but it is so much more. We are tempted by our emotions. We are tempted to be angry, impatient, jealose, unforgiving. God is not going to give us more than we can stand to be tempted. I DO NOT HAVE TO choose to be angry. I can avoid or cut off that temptation by choosing to be kind, forgiving. I can turn it into a teaching moment- or better yet they are always turned into a teaching moment but I could turn it into a good teaching moment. Your kids or even your husband usually know when they have done something to likely make you angry so when you choose or cut off or avoid that temptation, they are going to notice it!

Dear heavenly Father,
I pray that I will hear your voice above all others,
That I will more than anything else pursue  a marriage that honors God
and a family life that honors God.
I confess that often I do not hear the still small voice.
Please give me more of a desire to seek your will in our lives.
Help me to seek the ONE AND ONLY God and to not be
confused with ungodly advice or influences.
Bring people into my life who will be Godly influence and help encourage me
to have a deeper love
for my children and my spouse.


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