Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Love Dare....Day One (June 14, 2010)

Now my dh reads my blog so I cant say thing I am GOING to do but I can blog about what I have done. So today was Dare Day 1- Patience and saying nothing negative to your spouse or at the least saying nothing at all..

I am journaling the 40 Days on a website that has been set up for this.  You can too if you would like.

But I am going to re post here also, not every day, but just some days here and there!

Journal Entry Day 1---

We jumped into this in a weird way for us. We visited a new church and they were starting this program the same afternoon and we both decided to just go. So here we are doing the 40 day love dare.

I understand that today is about patience and the dare is to not say anything negative or at least not to say anything at all. I did really well all day till we were mowing the lawn. I didn't say anything when he didn't answer the phone at work 3 times, I didn't say anything when he didn't leave work on time- but did not inform me. I usually do not hold my tongue over these issues. This dates back to dating- I feel that if he is supposed to leave at 5:30 and he isn't leaving he could give me a call. I think it is simply the nice thing to do. I would plan my time accordingly and have a warm dinner for him instead of a cold dinner. I do not mind him working late or being late, I simply like to be informed of the change of plans so that I can plan what I need to. He does great for a while then forgets or whatever.... frustrating to me and one of our biggest "arguments". Argument meaning... I say all kinds of negative things and he sits there. Whoo hoo.

Anyway... what I did say negative today was stupid and I should have not said anything at all. We were mowing the yard and he had come out to help but he was still in his work clothes. I mean WORK clothes, shoes, slacks, long sleeve dress clothes. I said he should have changed clothes. Actually I said it very nicely first like, "Oh baby you could have changed clothes before you came out here and gotten comfortable in shorts." And he replied, "It didn't matter" and for some reason it got my goat cuz I thought he looked pretty silly mowing the lawn in that get up... and well I should have just kept my mouth shut even if he did look silly!

So tomorrow along with the Dare Day 2 I will work hard to say NOTHING negative or nothing at all!!!!

I love you DH.........even if you mow the lawn looking silly- THANKS FOR HELPING ME MOW THE LAWN, is what I should have said! 


  1. I thought you were upset b/c he was going to ruin his work clothes. NOT that I get upset about that.....ahem.

    By the way, I saw this the other day and it cracked me up!


  2. Nah, just thought it looked silly.

    I tried to watch it but there is no sound so it just looks like people talking a mile a minute but mute.

    I will try to watch it agian later... maybe it will work.
