Thursday, June 17, 2010

Philippians 4:13

Okay, so I said I may or may not talk more about my weight loss. I guess I am going to. Me and losing weight are old friends, or maybe old enemies! I have talked about it a lot on this blog... I have started, stopped, started, stopped...

HMMM.. guess what size I am.


I weigh a lot, in fact even as big as I am people are usually shocked over my actual weight.

Which is a lot.

I went on May 21 to a doctor who is a bariatric specialist. UMMM He works with fat people. No really, he works with people who need to lose weight. I am not looking at surgery---It is personally not an option for me, for many reasons. I am not looking for an easy way out either. I understand that I got myself into this mess by making incredibly bad choices and using food as a means to make myself feel better- which by the way is redundant!

I know that I have a problem with food.

Now honestly, I have more of an issue with Diet Coke. I mean besides God, Diet coke is my drug of choice! I use it for stress relief, it is an addiction and as for right now it is gonna keep on being that way! I will deal with my Diet Coke addiction later!

For now we will concentrate on my food issues. I do eat a lot but not always for stress, I tend to have blood sugar like issues and eat out of hunger. I can eat an entire meal and be FULL and 20 minutes later feel sickeningly hungry again.


Okay, I am on it. I had a ton of blood work done and the results are:

I have no blood sugar issues.  I know shocking. What the doctor said is that it basically just how I am built, it is not a medical issues that can be fixed but it will make it more of a struggle for me to lose weight over my life time. 

I am not gonna accept that.  I am going to say that If God is with me... how can food work against me!

So diet wise I am only concentrating on calorie intake. I am eating 1300-1500 calories a day. Now I would like each of you ladies who think they do not eat much to actually weigh, measure and count your calories for a day- without making better choices cuz your counting! It probably is not a pretty sight! I figure that on a really light day I still have around 3000 calories and on a pretty much normal day I had around 4500-5000. I am sure that there are days I went over that.

Just for your information:


This is on a good day when you feel all giddy cuz you got a grilled chicken sandwich instead of a hamburger!
Grilled Chicken Classic Sandwich---420 calories
Med french fries---380 calories
2 packets of ketchup---30 calories
large coke---310 calories

Total- 1140

Here is a Chili's

skillet Queso- lets just say you fourth it!  ---267
Grilled Chicken Sandwich with fries- 1240
w out fries minus380 and with seasonal veggies (yeah right)- 80
but since you were so good at lunch you got ONE SWEET SHOT- the chocolate one- 420

total- 1627 without dessert 1207

Grab a Little Ceasers Pizza lately-
 5.00 grab and go  (awesome concept btw)
1 slice =230 calories

um Sonic yeah you know you eat there!
Sonic cheeseburger WITH mustard NOT mayo- 650
tator tots Med with cheese (cuz you know you get it)- 300
large coke---270


Now I think we all know I am being generous- lots of time you get the ROUTE 44 coke, or the large instead of medium tator tots!  Or you get fries instead of grilled veggie- and who always gets a grilled chicken sandwich when they go out to eat!

Just go and add up your calories for a NORMAL day for you, even if you are just snacking at home! 

One ounce of most chips (baked ones) are 140 calories,

One little Debbie cosmic Brownie snack is 180 calories

55 pieces of gold fish, which is a serving btw- 140 calories  (how many do you eat!)

Did you know that a pint of ice cream has 4 serving in it @ around 170 per serving.

A small popcorn at the movies and a small coke is 550 calories without adding extra butter or M&M's

A normal turkey sandwich you make at home on Mrs. Baird's white bread  and no cheese, with one ounce of Cheetos is 370 calories

Did you know that most serving sizes of cereal is 2/3 to 1 cup... Fill up a bowl for your "serving of cereal" and then dump it out and measure how much is really there...

THIS is why I am fat- no I am not jumping on the ban "corporate America and fast food restaurants" wagon.  I choose to eat what I choose to eat.  But I am making better choices and that is all I can do at this point.

But for now until or if I decide I don't want to be.... I am on this diet.  I am under the care of a doctor and

1 Corinthians 6:19---
My body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

Phil 4:13---
 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

1 Corinthians 10-13-
 Hath no temptation taken you but as is common to man, but God is faithful.  He will
not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able.

Matthew 7:7
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

1 Corinthians 10:31
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

May 21- weight 345 lbs.
June 16- weight 333 lbs.


  1. Not "a" Great Physician....THE Great Physician! :) He made your body and He can certainly take care of you. I so agree.

    Secondly, ug. I think I need to go burn my menu plan for the week.

    Thirdly, wow. You have lost a lot already!

    And oh those serving sizes. They are shocking, aren't they?

  2. I am so proud of you Carrie! You inspire me to do something about my weight.

  3. Yikes... touchy subject. Who wants to talk weight... bllleeeeecchhh... but I am gonna comment because I want to provide moral support. And I just want to say that I think you are beautiful. Having meet you in real life I can say that. I am so sick of numbers of what we should be. That being said I still want encourage you, but not in the "numbers game", but in being healthier game. We all need to make better choices and it is sooooo stinking hard. I do not think God would be pleased with the way we abuse our bodies.... and that is what we are doing unfortunately. I think that focusing on eating food like God designed it and not the overprocessed way we eat it helps me (on days that I am doing good). Arggghhh... hate food/weight talk. ;) I have an ice cream eating disorder. LOL!

  4. I did weight watchers a few years ago and was shocked at my first experience with what "normal" serving sizes are and how much more than that I was eating on a regular basis.
    I have problems with up and down weight loss. I am either "all in" or "all out."
    I know you must be feeling great with all the exercising you've been doing! Congrats on dropping the pounds!

  5. @ Brenda-- yes THE GREAT PHYSICIAN! I am looking at him not my doctor! and thanks!

    @ Vickie.. thank you! You are a blessing to "find" stuff for me to eat when we are together! You can do it too!!!

    @ Shannon... thank you, I honestly do not feel beautiful but I know that God made me, and that I am loved! I know that i am not "as" worried about the numbers as I am the health issues. I do however really, really, really want to shop in a "normal" size store!

    @ Carrie...yes I think portions are totally out of whack for most people! I do feel great with all the excercise. It really does help with attitude and all those " endorphines" I guess!

    Right now I am walking on the treadmill and I have been taking 20 minutes to do a mile- which I know is like forever! BUT this week I broke it because I did it under 20 minutes. I was so excited!!!

    Thanks everyone--- I will take all the encouragement, love, comments, and scripture I can get!!!

  6. Good for you! I understand the struggle. For me, I really do have the blood sugar issues, and I had to cut out all processed foods. It hurt. I like them, and miss them. But I do feel much better :)
