Monday-- school, daddy still home but still got a lot done.
I went to the Garden Oaks Home School Support Meeting (GOHSSG) (?) That is a mouthful! I had a nice time and met quite a few ladies!
Tues- started off great with getting up, pancakes, dinner in the crock pot at the school table before 9:00, we had a pretty good day!
I want to reiterate how much I love my crock pot and steamer. I had the pork cooking all day and the potatoes I put in the steamer before I left for gymnastics and when I got home--- perfect baked potatoes! I was able to fit three large potatoes in!
Emily started her first gymnastics class. She did really good!
My crock pot meal got tabled for Dave to do some work things and the kids and I drove thru Wendy's. We had a peaceful evening though!
Wed. started nice but quickly went down hill from there. I put a Bible movie on for the kids and asked them to fold laundry. Well 3 1/2 hours later and a visit from Daddy, the laundry got folded. We got a little school work done and left to work at the church. I updated all the kids charts from Word of Life and got postcards to send to those no longer coming. Then I helped the pastors wife scrub the floor from temper paint. It was really a good day because these are the small things I want to be able to do!
Thursday, Dave got up to go give blood really early...
Matt found a Shipleys coupon and asked if he paid for breakfast could we go and of course since we are working on him being kind--- we all got Shipley's!
I decided since we were out to do my errands, we ran to Staples and tried to go to the library, but they have changed times AGAIN! ARGGGG.
We went back home, did some school work and headed out for our Science at Amy's house. The kids did great, we made a cell model out of jello and candy!
(Pictures of this in another post)
We left Amy's and went to moms to let the kids swim, ate dinner and headed to our last activity of the day.. SKATING!
We met a bunch of friends at the skating rink for Christian Skate Night, it was a blast! I skated again, not as long as before, but I did!
Friday- we slept in a little, obviously we needed it after our Thursday! We started working on chores and have some discipline problems, the same as Wed! So daddy got called and the kids had to weed the outside flower beds! I don't know if it made much of an impression on them though, they seemed to enjoy it. HMMMM.
In our character study we learned about braveness, but for the story it was a chapter out of Missionary Stories with the Millers. It was about Gladys Aylward and how she led a large group of children through the mountains to the yellow river to escape the Japanese. So I am reading this chapter and literally tear up.. I stop and talk to my children about how these kids walked through the mountain for 12 days with little or no food, no shoes, little water, even making a human chain to get down the steepest parts of the mountain.... and we have fusses over cleaning our rooms full of shoes, clothes toys etc. I wasn't mean, I was sad.
I am hoping the kids were convicted and that God might bring this to their mind next time.
We started school after lunch and the rest of the day was just doing school and chores.
Friday night, we were planning on a Wii tournament, but the kids lost electronics so we went to see the bats! We have lived here for a year and a 1/2 and never done this!
And we ended our day at SWIRL! YUMMO!