Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Calling all efficiency experts....

I wish that Frank Gilbreath could come and live with me for just a few days.. I would love for some efficiency tips.

Which way is faster, loading the dishwasher big pots first or leaving them out altogether, and washing seperately?

Should I hand out papers for memorization or make each kid their own folders?

In what order should I give the kids baths?

When we start school is there a better way to plan our subjects making us the most efficient in our school time?

Which way is really faster to get to gymnasitcs- the back way with a billion speed bumps or going up to 11th?

Dont you wonder these things?

Wouldnt you want Frank and Lillian to come stay at your house for the week? I mean Mr. Gilbreath MIGHT get annoying but he really would make your home run smoother! Wouldnt it be worth it in the long run!

How efficient is it to TEST which way is faster?

How many different ways should you try doing something to find out the best way without the testing being ineffiecent?

DO ANY OF you NOT think of these things?



  1. I have never thought of having him come live at my house. Although I think it would be good to KNOW what ways were more efficient...I doubt I would always do them. Sometimes you just enjoy doing something no matter if it takes longer or not. Like hand-sewing. I know the machine is faster, but I like hand-sewing.

    Now you have me thinking....

  2. I totally overthink things like this all the time. It drives my husband crazy. He really doesn't want to hear all the different choices and possibilities. opinion is...the dirtiest things get put in the dishwasher first. So if the big pot is it goes.

  3. I LOVE the original movies- have you seen them?

  4. @aneisa- absolutely.. it took forever for me to even watch the new one and I was totally disappointed!

    @ Brenda--- I dont think hand sewing as ineffiecent although there is a time to simply use teh machine. It is an art. I just think there has to be better, faster ways to do everyday work!

    @ Carrie BUT what if you just hand washed the pots then you could fit everything else in at one time! ONE LOAD???
