Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A journey of a 1000 miles starts with the first step...

Or so an ancient philosopher says!

So Dave was saying thank you for breakfast and for staying up late washing his pants for work--- cuz we missed the dry cleaning pick up! And I said thank you for getting up by 7:00 so that we all start our day earlier and I get to the table by 9:00! I said we did good this morning!  Only like 5000 more days to go!

I kind of thought that seemed like a low number because the years of home schooling I have ahead of me looms on and on (I am not complaining it is just a fact that I have a long way to go on my journey)

SO Of course I did the math.

Assuming I school Emily my youngest for another 11 years @ 289 days a year (this is just an approx number), that equals


Wow. Much less than 5000!

I was instantly encouraged!

I wondered of course how many years I have been home schooling though

Kaitlin is 11 and I started when she was 4 sooo  (really I started before this but using actual curriculum)

7 X 289 (again just an approx)=2023

But I had already home schooled Sarah Jean Jumping Bean for two years prior to Kaitlin so that would be a total of


So I have almost home schooled as long as I am gonna home school!


How about you, how long is your journey?

BTW.. I know that OUR home schooling journey will not end the second Emily graduates... there is still much to teach!

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