Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kids Notebooks...

Okay here are the pages for the kids notebooks so far...

I am putting the chores, zone pages and money accountability in page protectors, each are in their separate divided category.  Labeled!    Each kid got to pick out his own 3 ring binder.  I am just going to see how this goes!

chores list:

 A zone clean for their room:  Kaitlin and Emily share a room but they have different jobs on different days.  They also each have a bookshelf so they can really clean up their "own" areas.

This is Kaitlin's

This is Emily's

This is Matthew's

Daily journal:  this will be part of writing assignment, they may not do it every day.. we will see.

Food journal:  this will be every school day for a while as we see and learn about our eating habits.  I think I am going to change it to add in a morning snack as well and a place to check off water consumed...

School Assignment:  I only put the "subjects" that they do separately and that I thought I could easily assign.  this might not work for us, we will see!

Money accountability:  this is over a month.  I want them seeing where money goes, what they are saving for and what they gave.  this worksheet might be tweaked as well? 

These are the binders the kids picked! 

They are all filled and in order to start on MONDAY!


  1. Is this from the house that cleans itself or flylady? I am so fascinated! I love the idea of cleaning rooms by zones!

  2. this would be a mix of both, mostly flylady, but taking the idea of doing it for the kids rooms from my friend Jennifer! It is a good idea and I think it is going to work out nicely for us!

    I love flylady, but I like the House that cleans itself if a little more practical for me personally. although I LOVE a shiny sink!
