Monday, August 16, 2010

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling....

For more than 12 years, in fact for 13 years 1 month and 17 days I have been 100% completely in charge of my home. I am the calender, the cleaner, the getter, the doer...

I am the MAMA.

Today I have had to ask 4 different times, "Where is "x"?"

Why because I have somewhat removed myself, I MEAN SOMEWHAT, from being the SOLE cleaner, getter and doer.


While I always assumed this would happen, and in fact begged and pleaded for this to happen.. I didn't stop to think about how my controlling and anxiety other side would feel about this.

I mean I have to ask someone WHERE something is! I do not for the life of me know where the kids swim suits are. They have probably stuck them in a bag for swimming OR they are in their drawers. BUT I LIKE THEM IN THE 3RD DRAWER OF MY DRESSER. MKAY!

Yet, I will let it go. I mean the swimsuits were not being harmed in their present secret location. The kids each found their swimsuits (from the place they had put them) within seconds of my asking! So why control or anxiety concern or worry?

Well it is how I roll.

BUT I am working very hard on achieving smoother wheels for all the rolling I do!

My letting go of things and allowing (making) the children step into roles of responsibility is my TRUE JOB. I am still the home maker but seasons change and I am also the manager of the underlings- training and teaching!

But I just gotta learn how to roll better....


  1. Hm, that's an interesting and true observation about lack of control leading to anxiety--it makes me wonder if children feel similar anxiety from not being in control?

  2. I think my son does, but I dont know that my daughters do. NOW I know I cause anxiety in all three of my kids when I am overly anxious though! It is a sad plight but all I can do is work on it! :)

  3. 3rd drawer? I'm happy if ours are not found on the 'floor'. Haha!
