Okay other things happening today... school planning!
I am getting our history lined up. I have the first "session" of teaching and we are starting out with Pilgrims, just because it is a good starting point! I am printing away.... oh and then I am printing some more!
I have cleaned or mostly cleaned the school room of last years "stuff"
I have ordered math, spelling and a few things for history. I already ordered our science and it got here, via Vickie's house by mistake- cannot seem to change that address! I got a few human body and states things at Lakeshore yesterday. DH let me shop
I gotta make it to The Homeschool Store- I have a list of reading books I would like to find used... the Houston library doesn't have many of them... that is what happens when you try to find a history book from a Biblical world view!!!! You have to buy it! :)
I have to wait now for all the STUFF to come in, which tears me up! I am in planning mode so I want it done! Or at least a base and through first quarter!
I have looked back over my bucket list and I am not happy with it! There were so many things we didn't do. Some were purposefully not done for finances or change of plans, but most we just haven't gotten around too! So I picked the ones we could logistically do and I am going to pencil them in our actual schedule! I want to see how many we can get done by Aug 31 which is the real end of summer right! :)
I am rethinking our learning set up but the more I think how I can change it, the more I like how it is. I think I just need little tweaks here and there. I want another shelf next to my desk- the shelve I have now was on sale for 15 at Target, hopefully I will catch it on sale! I want to put a little more on the shelves and a little less on my desk. But I want this shelf to be a home zone, not school stuff. So I will have a place for zone cleaning notebooks, mail, a small file box for house stuff..... It is a cheap fix for a big problem! :)
Bought a Rice cooker/ Steamer at Sam's for 35.00 and it ROCKS!!!! Really. Go invest in one! It is awesome! I did fajita chicken in it and Mexican rice... 20 minutes later! YUMMO. We had beans I had cooked the night before, a side of spinach for everyone (this is raw spinach- it goes on just about every plate at our house) carrots and grapes for Kate, me and Emily! Dave picked up tortillas (corn for us) at Taco Cabana on his way home for lunch. Meal cost us 4.50! Half of the cost was the tortillas, but we only bought how many we needed! So no extras hanging around!!! :)
AND the day is only half though at this point!
Okay I have a history timeline starting at 1607 (Jamestown) all the way to 1763 (Treaty of Paris). Whew!!! That takes up all the way up to the American Revolution! Did you know that Ben Franklin was 26 years older than George Washington. I didn't know there was that much of an age difference! I knew he was older but not that much! Ben Franklin started the Pennsylvania Gazettes 3 years before George Washington was born!
What all would you study for the Salem Witch Trials? I am unsure how much to cover! We also have not covered slavery very much at all yet... obviously it is on the docket this year, but I am not looking forward to it! What "topics" do you dread???
Okay, put planning on hold to pre read Andrew Clements book. The first in a new series called Benjamin Pratt and the Keepers of the School. It is cute so far, his parents are separated, but that is the norm these days. I am thinking of doing it for a fun read for book club. I am a little more than halfway through. I will finish it later during Emily's gymnastics class!
Okay gymnastics accomplished, got her signed up for the next session, but we have to trade days, which irks ME! I don't know when Kate's volleyball practice will be either so argggg! I like planning!
I finished the Andrew Clements book... it is cute- not perfect, but very acceptable reading and well written. I think his stories really speak to kids much as the Ramona books spoke to us many years ago! The book ended pre the telling of the secret... argggg. I looked up when the next book was out.. not until JAN! ARGGGGG! So we will not be doing this for book club unless we want to wait 6 months to find out how the story plays out! We will see.... :)
Okay, dinner. A nice sandwich meal or maybe breakfast, since I cooked a hot meal at lunch! I am going to the Y to work out and home for baths and to start the day anew tomorrow!
See ya on the flip side~~~~~
That is such an excellent idea for a shelf! I like the idea of having home stuff all there. That will work really nice at your house.