Friday, August 20, 2010

Wii are here to play...

We are investing in a Wii Fit board! I am very excited about this. Now I am still not at the right POUNDAGE to use it but the kids certainly are! I plan to implement this baby daily! The kids will have 20-30 minutes on the Wii daily- mandatory! Playing a physical game!

We bought The Biggest Loser Wii.. of course we did! BTW- Bob's birthday was this week, Happy birthday Bob.

On this game you can weigh, set up your own fitness routine, compete against a Biggest Loser contestant and they even have a place for a food journal!

We also bought Get Moving Family Fitness which has a lot of different sports (including running and volleyball). So far it is a blast- although we have borrowed Becky's board and she accidentally didn't take it home so we have it for two more days now! WE have found one on Craig's List so we are waiting to hear. If we don't get one by the end of Saturday we are walking into a store and plunking down full price! ARGGG.

I also want Wii Resort- my other friend has it and we are going to borrow it to play to make sure we like it because it is on the expensive side and you have to get another adaptor for the controller.

So Wii plan to get fit around these parts!!!!  This along with some classes at the YMCA and walking once it is cooler is our Physical E of choice around here. 


  1. Just be cautious with your kids because the Wii Fit is programmed for adults apparently and it said my kids are obese. Luckily, Savannah was the only one that could read at the time and had no idea what it meant anyway. The kids love the games, though.... which reminds me... we loaned ours to a friend when we left on vacation for 5 weeks. Might be time to get that back. ;)

  2. I am also implementing mandatory Wii time until it's nice enough to go outside and play!!
