Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I have had enough...

Last night I slept through the night (from 9:00-almost 7:00) for the first time in 4 weeks. It felt really good.

I hate insomnia.

I hate not being able to turn off my brain.

I worry, I think.

I just cant stop.

I am worried about making everything GO the way it is supposed to go.

My marriage.
Our finances.
My kids.
Life in general.

I have had enough of worrying.

I just need to chill a little.

It will all get done. If I make a mistake I will move on.

We read the Road Not Taken by Robert Frost for our new poem and I have really been thinking on it.

The poem is NOT about a wrong or right path or even a good path verses a bad path.

The poem is about a choice. You make the choice and go.

The Pocahontas movie has a song "Just Around the River Bend", the first line in the movie says..."you cant step in the same river twice, the waters always changing always flowing."

Once we make a choice.. it is done, you can NEVER get back to the same place. But it doesn't mean every choice is good or bad or wrong or right... sometimes they are JUST choices.

Dave and I have choices to make in the family.. we DO NOT always make the right choice but we have to MOVE ON.

But in the meantime I have to quit losing so much sleep!

However I also need to get on my knees just a little bit more...God never sleeps nor does he slumber (Ps. 121:4)... so I need to give him my burdens (Ps 55:22) and rest in the shadow of HIM.(Ps 91:1)

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