Sunday, November 28, 2010

Little Rock...

Well we went to Little Rock for Thanksgiving... it ended up a little differently than planned, but we got to see all our family and that is what matters!  We left for Little Rock on Wed. morning and by Thursday early afternoon Kaitlin was violently ill!  She missed Thanksgiving dinner and couldn't keep anything down for the next 32 hours!  So we didn't get to do everything on our list, but thankfully no one else has gotten sick yet!

So here are some shots of our FAMILY time together!

Embassy Suites        Little Rock, Arkansas

"Gandpa" with Ethan

"Gandma with Emily Jean

E & E watching a show!

Emily Jean swimming at the pool!

Thanksgiving Dinner at Cracker barrel!  YUMMY.

checker girl!

Pa and Matt Man

Ethan Drake!

Ma Ma and Emily Jean

Giving "Gandma" her "hor na plenny"

Sarah Jean and Ethan!

Robbie, Sarah, Emily Jean and Ethan left Friday morning along with Hal and Vickie and Sam, Kristal, Conner and Camille came in from Memphis.  They so graciously drove to US so Kate wouldn't have to be in the car so much!  Sweetness!

Granny sent the kids Christmas outfits so we dressed them all up and took pictures in the lobby...

We "DID" Christmas early for the kids so we could see them open their presents!

and so ends our trip.  We were grateful to be able to go, to see our family and to get home safe and sound!

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