Pretty good year, I mean obviously we have had our ups and downs, there has been drama... but nothing to truly complain about!
I want to remember that through this next year, to complain and worry LESS about the little things. I can always look back and see that it wasn't as important as I made it out to be, or it turned out fine... but in the midst of it I. DO. NOT. I want to be better about that.
I want to trust God more and just BE.
Just take a minute and breath.
Just think about what is TRULY important.
Just worry LESS.
Just don't DOUBT.
Just listen to that STILL, SMALL Voice.
Just think peaceful thoughts... productive thoughts!
Just think will THIS matter a few months from now.
And be an example to my kids on how our response to situation should be, well I am already being an example, but I mean to be a good example...
Those are great goals!