Saturday, February 26, 2011

Average of 28

There is a Dentyne commercial out right now and it says ON average people have 28 first kisses.

Well we know average means you take the total of how many first kisses "x" number of people had and then divide THAT number by the number of people.

THAT means that a whole lot of people had way MORE than 28 first kisses.

Wow. 28 different first kisses.

WOW. 28 different boys/ teenagers/ men sharing a very intimate moment with your daughter.

WOW. 28 pieces of your heart GIVEN away- leaving 28 less percent of your heart for the ONE that GOD has for you.



Yes, one.

I understand that is unusual. I understand that is might even be unbelievable to you but it is true.

I dated a FEW other guys before I began dating hubbie. But I never kissed any of them. A while ago I wrote a letter to Margie Kinchen, wife of Kevin Kinchen my youth pastor. Here is what I wrote to her...


I wanted to tell you a little story...

One day a long time ago when I was a very impressionable young youth... a wise, beautiful woman sat down in a room up in a chapel of a school and she spoke to my heart! This wise woman told me that kissing is as intimate as other special acts and that it is important to save that special time for the man God chose for your husband. Well I heard and I listened and the only man I have ever kissed is my dear sweet husband. Yesterday as I sat talking with my 11 year old... I was so proud, thankful and humbled to be able to share with her the same truths. I was able to tell her that even though the world tells us it is impossible to not be a certain way that it truly is... if you purpose in your heart to do so. Thank you for sharing your heart and God's truths. I am forever grateful to you and Pastor Kevin for teaching us the way it SHOULD be and that it could be that way... It has changed me in a way that had the power to change my future generations... The Thompson family love y'all very much!
                                                                                                         Carrie Williams Thompson

I understand that my daughters or sons will not have the same story as Dave and I.  I understand that they will make their own choices and decision, but NEVER will they hear from their dad and me that it is NOT possible to ignore the choices of the world.  Never will they hear from their dad me that it is unfathomable to pray and believe that God will bring the person across your path.  I believe HE will.  I believe that mistakes in this area are forgivable, I believe that if you have sinned.... you move on.  But do not believe the lies the world tells you.. do not pass those lies on to your daughters.  Teach them a different truth. 

28 different ways to pull you away from the center of God's will in your life.



  1. 28!? Good grief!

    I had more than one but yeah...not close double digits, let alone 28. I hope we can teach our children to wait, for everything. I really wish we would have.

  2. AMEN!
    My first kiss was also my husband. :0) I hope the same will be true for Ginger....

  3. This was such a great post! I appreciated your words about how we can teach our kids that it is possible to make different choices from what the world says is "normal."
