Saturday, February 19, 2011

Because I live in some alternate universe...

Until 5 months ago my kids were hardly EVER sick. REALLY. But between my headaches/ migraines issues and the kids kids picking up every virus known to man for the last 5 months I feel like I am in an alternate universe... could the person who took my high ammunity system kids just give them back already!

Emily got sick ON vacation so on Friday of the GWL vacation she woke up at 6:00 throwing up and that was fun. She had 102.7 on the way home and still has a touch of fever now.

And because we like to keep things hopping around here... MATT just threw up.

I am still on antibiotics and feel like a zombie.

Emily is running temp.

Matt is throwing up.

Really. REALLY!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! You poor thing! I'm sorry for all this that you're going through! I will pray for you and your sick kiddos right now.
